Panic Attacks at school


New member
i dont have this happen to me all the time. But i hate dealing with it. Anyone else going through the same thing? ::(:
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Rise Against

Well-known member
Yes. i had a panic attack while giving a speech to my class. I forgot my speech and just said jibberish and random words and phrases, my hands and legs were shaking like i was having a seizure and i almost passed out. It was the most embarassing thing that has ever happened to me. The only good part was the teacher felt sorry for me and gave me an A on my speech lol.

Off The Wall

Well-known member
i left school for that reason. i use to get them every morning at school first class was insane. I then oneday had to do a speech which we were going to be filmed doing and we'd have to watch it back! yeah i stopped going to that class haha.. and then i was so far behind in everything that i ended up leaving.

my first Panic attack was my first day of high school!! Way to start of the high school year... many more days full of panic! gosh high school was a bitch.

Off The Wall

Well-known member
Oh but in saying that. Don't leave school.!!! Avoiding the situation has made it a million times worse.. sure i felt crap at school getting PA all the time but i was still out in public being social as soon as i left school it just went downhill from there on in! not a good idea

if i had my time over i'd have stayed. ok maybe not but i'd have gotten a job before i left!


Highschool was a bitch? That's an understatement in my case... Mornings going on a bus with all those people, the first classes in the morning ahh I won't even go into it or I will throw up... PE was the only thing I liked about highschool, but only when we were outside, inside the gym I felt like freaking out, no escape if I get a panick

I had to be once in front of the class, my eyes felt like blowing out of my head coz of the pressure... I stood in front of the class and looked like Iam dieing or like Iam already dead, my head to the side in an uptight way and I couldn't move, I couldn't move a muscle... that was just sick

At one point I just left and highschool was over for me


Yep that used to happen to me in class. I would always make sure I sat at the back of the class near the door, so I could flee.. :) I wouldn't be able to sit in the middle of the class. I would feel too enclosed and then panic would set in right away.


My school requires us to talk a lot in front of the class and I get panic attacks all the time. But then again....I get them a lot......


Well-known member
i had one dring a fight in the school bathroom , was so ****ed up ... everyone was looking at me ,and now ...

im kidding i dont have panic attacks .


OMG! i have a panic attack everday at school... it sucks so bad having to deal with this... but you are not alone!! we all care for you


New member
I ALWAYS Get Panic Attacks When Im In School, I Hate It, Some Of My Friends Know About My Panic Attacks But None Of My Friends Are In My Class So When I Get Them, Im Sorta On My Own..! I Didn't Tell Any Of My Teachers About My Panic Attacks YET, Because We Only Discovered I Got Them Towards The End Of The School Year... But I Think My Irish Teacher Guessed it Tho..!


I had them before school everyday for 2 years, most days for the year after that, and a few days the year after that. It began when I started high school. I was throwing up every morning so my mum thought I was pregnant for a time. :) But it doesn't happen anymore, my Head of Year kept me in over lunchtimes until I told her what the problem was, and she did her best to sort it out. Plus I kinda appreciated being away from other students over those lunches. It was all to do with PE and speaking. Doing high jump in front of 25 other girls? No thank you.