Panic attacks - Agoraphobia ..Help???


New member
Hello , Im New here so im really not sure what to put.
Im Sophie and im almost 20, and i have currently been suffering with panic attacks.
Forwhatever reason i dont know, it all of a sudden come on.I am not the kind of person who just sits at home, i love going out and im a very loud person, but these panic attacks are making my life very difficult , bearing in mind i have only had two, i have bad spells, which i manage eventually to calm myself down. I am currently undertaking CBT which is helping me a little.
I feel very agrophobic and feel sick and dizzy ALL THE TIME and i dont think this is right, im only young and yet i feel so old.
I suppose im just here to talk to people with similar problems, just someone i can talk to who knows how i feel and how to overcome this.
I just feel as if i cant go out. :(

Thanks for listening.


Active member
Hi Sophie. I'm new here too. I'm only 19 but I can understand how you feel.
I am sure I have mild agoraphobia but have not been diagnosed or anything. Right now I'm going through a good patch as far as that is concerned but sometimes I feel too terrified to go out of the house. I have no idea why this happens to people but my mother had similar tendencies sometimes and I think this has transferred to me. Anyway, I'm no expert and don't even understand myself but I'm here if you want someone to talk to :)
All my best