Panic Attack


Well-known member
So I just had my first panic attack last night and had another one earlier on today so thats two in the space of 24 hours. I dont know how it happened but i found myself breathing really heavly with all these crazy thoughts going through my head. I couldnt get rid of them and just had to put my head down until I eventually calmed down. I was ment to go out to some new years eve thing so maybe that was what set it off, but I was having these really intense thoughts of dying. I eventually calmed down and went out in the end and tryed to have a good time but I was feeling very shook after it so I had a good few drinks to relax. For the whole night I was probally acting a bit weird, I think some people picked up on this and i think might of given them the wrong impression.

Woke up this morning still feeling a bit weird. Then it hit me again the same thoughts came in to my head. I started pacing up and down the room freaking out with my mind going a mile a minute, all these bad thoughts and memories rushing through my head. Im not sure how long this went on but it felt like ages.

Ive been feeling quite down the last few months and over the christmas period ive gotten a lot worse. New years is usually a bad time for me, I just get really down at this time of year. My birthday and new years are close together so that might be something to do with it.

Not sure why Im post this just never had this happen before.
Having a panic attack is an awful experience and is quite hard to describe to those who have never experienced one. Well done for calming down and continuing with the night. Certainly discuss this with your doc and see him/her if they continue. It is important to remember that panic attacks occur in our minds and don't necessarily need an outside influence. I wasted years trying to locate the external source of my panic attacks, the fixing needs to be done in our heads.

Good first aid for a panic attack is to (1) remove yourself to somewhere quiet, away from others if possible; (2) control your breathing - slowly/deeply in and out; (3) gently tap yourself, eg on your legs, to bring your focus back to here/now; (4) reassure yourself that it will pass in about 15 mins at the most and that you are not dying; (5) allow recovery time, it is very draining