palmar hyperhidrosis issues


New member
Hi, I'm new here, and I'm in need of advice. I've had palmar hyperhidrosis for a long time now. I think it started in elementary school, but I haven't recognized it as an issue until now. It is seriously affecting my social life. I'm literally afraid of touching people, and this fear is making my hyperhidrosis worse.

I have been trying to find the right treatment for awhile, but I need some input from you guys, who I'm sure have a lot more experience in treatment than me. I've done some research, so I'm sure many of you are going to suggest Iontophoresis. One problem. I can't afford a machine, and my parents don't have the funds to support me, not that they understand what I'm going through anyway.

So my question is: Is there a cheaper but effective alternative for palmar HH? It doesn't matter if its not AS effective as Iontophoresis, I just need it to be effective enough. My condition isn't as bad some of the stories I've read here. Do topical applications don't work at all? It would be much more convenient for me if I could use them, but according to the remedies thread, they don't work :(

Any help/feedback is appreciated!


I would sugest Anti-Perspirants, if you haven't tried them then give it a try as they are not that expensive and threre are many in the market, and if you see they really don't work for you then Iontoforesis is the nexts best option.


New member
Thanks for the reply. Do you have any recommendations as to which one I should get? Preferably an antiperspirant that works well for palmar HH?
Hey, I would try a roll on antiperspirant like Dysol, Maxim or Certain-dri (they're all 20% aluminium chloride, just different brand names). If you apply this every night for a week you may see a big difference, they help dry my fingertips up. Drying it with a hairdrier after you apply it might stop it running as well.

Do you have any insurance or medical insurance? I'm not sure how it works where you live. Some people say they can get the cost of iontophoresis covered by insurance.


New member
Unfortunately, I don't have medical insurance as of yet. I'll give the anti-perspirants a try first. Thanks for the help.
ive had ets done in november did good.....but it came back the sweaty palms although not as bad.

for the last two months it went bad again...i would say the sysmptoms were 6 out of ten.....

since i been taking 0.5g of glycine.....the sweating has virtually could try glycine out?

glycine plays afunction as an inhibitory neuro transmitter

my idea may have no basis