overcome the SP challenge!


hi guys i seen another post talkin about valium nd SP and he sed it helps him. im exactly the same ive bn ordering thm from the net and every time im on them it just takes away all the twitches and jitteryness. but i also noticed if i take a bit over the recomended dose i fell a bit groggy but after tht ive started takin the normal dosage and am feelin 100% anxiety free . might not work on all people and im not recomendin it to any one but just thought i shood let u guys no. for me valium is my savoiur. but im also scared about using it long term cos doctors say it shood only b used for 2 weeks max. but iv ebn using it for months now and its a miracle im back to my old self ageain its great. well good luck and remember this SP is a way of god challengin us i think and we need to show god how tough we are and beat this phase of SP. we can beat it with or without meds. thnks 4 reeding Sean.