Openly SP?


New member
I think im withdrawn from people enough that no one has ever known how socially phobic I am. No one really knows much about me at all for that matter. I have a lot of safety behaviors that help me to cope. I usually have a couple of friends, but there are times when i have had none, and i usually end up breaking contact with people after a while. Im usually seen as arrogent or mysterious, which i much prefer to being labeled shy. I dont feel 'shy'; im just so anxious i cant/dont partake in group social situations. Anyway, i told my current hangout person the other day who had described me as 'fearless' that i was afraid of talking to people, and they were like "I know"... and it was ok... I usually dont even post in forums, let alone talk, so this is opening up for me. I think the worst fear for me is that someone who ive been aquainted with in the past would read this and know who i am. So, fuck it. If im not open in real life at least i can be here. Maybe one day it will carry over into real life. By the way, Hi everyone!


Well-known member
Alot of the stuff you said sounds like me. Nobody really knows me...and the few that do know me, dont understand me at all.
I always end up breaking contact with people...well not ME...THEY always break contact with ME...usually to the point where they start avoiding me or ignoring me. It's like I say or do something that scares them so much they never want to speak to me again...or maybe they just find me too boring and quiet, who knows. All I know is people SEEM to like me just fine when they first meet me...but then, a few weeks, sometimes a few months later...they no longer want ANYTHING to do with me whatsoever. Everyone who's ever met me would rather have both their legs chopped off than to even speak to me.
And everyone calls me shy, which kinda irritates me...people have also called me a 'scaredy cat' which is beginning to piss me off...


Well-known member
Everyone who knows me knows I'm shy, but I'm not sure if they know the extent that it affects me.

I've lost touch with a few friends because I turn down any invitations that involve other people (which they almost always do... nobody seems to just wanna hang out with me...). I don't think they understand why I turn them down, they probably just think I don't want to go out with them. There have been times I wanted to say why i turn them down, but I just don't think I can admit my problem to anyone (in real life anyway).


Well-known member
It's obvious there's something wrong with me. Everyone that has ever met me could tell you that, unless they're in denial, like I think my parents are. I won't just go around telling people that I have social anxiety disorder, but I'm sure that if they knew what it was, they would figure out that I have it right away.
Yesterday at our Christmas get-together, I overheard my cousin talking about someone she knows who has SA, and it made me feel so afraid that everyone was going to figure me out. If they did, they didn't say anything, at least not while I was there.

I remember a fortune cookie I had once: "You think it's a secret, but it has never been one."


Well-known member
No one knows me in real life so that not a problem.I never had any friends or people that cared for me in real world.Any one that does like me won't like me for long.People have a habit of disappearing on me.So there no chance of people finding out about sa.

That being said i can act pretty normal on a superficial level in public as long as it's not for extend period of time.


Well-known member
You're Openly Quiet whether you want to be or not. When you don't talk to people, people tend to assume you're "quiet", As far as having SA goes, I was diagnosed with it, but I didn't have it. Better be sure you have it first. Easy to confuse it with something else. Go figure. Turns out I was just reacting the same way any guy who lacked social skills or confidence in standing up for himself would act.


Well-known member
B said:
You're Openly Quiet whether you want to be or not. When you don't talk to people, people tend to assume you're "quiet", As far as having SA goes, I was diagnosed with it, but I didn't have it. Better be sure you have it first. Easy to confuse it with something else. Go figure. Turns out I was just reacting the same way any guy who lacked social skills or confidence in standing up for himself would act.

Isn't lacking social skills and confidence a part of SA?

I reckon one sure sign you have SA is if you regularly visit SA sites like this one :)


New member
I've never been officially diagnosed, but i can read the symptoms and whatnot online and go yup thats me. The kicker is that im not living the life i would like to live, so im not sure i even care about having someone objective say "yes, you are over the threshhold and can officially consider this to be wrong". That and i dont have the balls to call a doctor and make an appointment. I dont know who i would call or what i would say... ya know?


Well-known member
Don't be quick to self-diagnose. I was professionally diagnosed and it turned out to be wrong.


Well-known member
hey there, i deffinately keep my disorder under wraps. only the closest people to me know and only know b/c i was at my breaking point or it was imperitive that they know or something

but that's really because i'm afraid people will know i'm nervous and look for it when really i'm hoping to look as normal as possible.

i wouldn't worry about diagnosis too much, about whether you really have it or not, they way i see it, therapy is there for people who are having a hard time dealing with everyday life. i say you give it a try