One Hundred


Well-known member
My apologies in advance as this is not a particularly serious post!

This is, apparently, my 100th post on this site , and I just wanted to say a couple of things that come to mind.

I have been on these boards for a few years now, on and off, and I have learnt a massive amount of information that has helped me and I hope that I have also offerred a little to others that may also have helped. Pinker, in particular, has amalgamted immense amounts of information to help us but there are many others of you that have contributed and continue to contribute and assist fellow HH sufferers.

I am grateful to whoever runs this site, someone who obviously keeps a very low profile and I look forward to learning and sharing more information and experiences in the future; who knows, we might even find a cure one day!



Well-known member
hey bill-uk..happy 100th post :!: i like this site also..finding it for me meant that i wasn't alone in how i was feeling..that was so huge man!! And to be understood, and make a few friends..way more than i expected when i typed in 'anxiety' many moons ago :wink:


Well-known member
G'day Bill, I'm relatively new here even though I've been browsing the forum for a while now. I have to say the information on here is really quite invaluable and perhaps I would not have learnt about certain products and therapys had I only spoken to a GP.

Since joining a couple of days ago I've already ordered a few products and promise to share my experience with the forum.
