omg people i can relate to!!


New member
I'm sitting here reading some posts on here after stumbling across this site and i just want to cry because there are people who are experiencing things that i am!! People who can probably understand me! i've felt lonely for a long time now, and 'weird' because it seemed like i was the only one suffering from social phobia/anxiety.

I think i've had social phobia and anxiety for a while but have really only taken notice of it the last year or so. I have always felt awkward in social situations. I am so self-conscious its ridiculous! if i hear people laughing around me the first thing i think is 'they are laughing at me aren't they?why are they laughing at me?'. Social phobia and the associated problems that come with it are making my life so hard and stressful. I hate social outings, i constantly worry that people are staring at me. My body image problems also have a lot to do with it, i am a healthy weight for my height but was overweight when i was younger and still have issues about it. I think people are looking at me because im 'fat' even though i know i'm not overweight.
I sweat so badly when i'm in a social situation that it is embarrassing and then i worry more that people can see the sweat dripping off me.
I have been on effexor for depression, and this was before i really noticed my social phobia but looking back i think it did help my social phobia/anxiety problem because now i have anxiety pretty much on a daily basis.

I cant even speak to guys because i blush and sweat so much that i would rather not bother facing the situation. I think that i am quite attractive and have a lot to offer but my anxiety gets in the way. I have tried things on my own like positive thinking and mediation but it hasn't worked. Even when my mind is saying 'you'll be fine' and feeling calm, my body just automatically starts the anxiety symptoms (tight chest, sweating, heart palpitations...i thought i was having a friggin heart attack at first!!)

When having a conversation with other people, particuarly new people, I dont feel normal. I am constantly watching what i am saying, worrying about what i look like to the other person and how i am coming across. it is terrible!! I dont want to keep living like this.

I am thinking about going on medication. I know some people don't agree with medication but to be honest i just think if it helps with my anxiety symptoms it is worth it because i just cant waste any more of my life living like this. I want to start living, really living!!!


Active member
hey EVA,, how good does it feel to find a site like this where almost everyone can relate to such a serious issue??? and knowing that you are not alone??

i agree with you on the meds..if the benefits outway the negatives then they are worth it...



Well-known member
Welcome to the 'community', hope you can find some answers to your questions here.:D
We all feel self concious, but you need to dig deeper, and find out why you feel that way? For me I've figured that it's my weight. I'm 6'2 and weigh 300lbs. I always feel self concious about those around me, now i'm having panic Dig down deep to find out where/when this all started for you.I just need to lose the weight.Your issues may be more deeply seeded. Don't waste your life. I was always a pretty reserved guy till I became a correctional officer, and had to learn to direct offenders. Believe me therin lies alot of mouthing back, and disrespect. I've learned to talk in a way that promotes a more positive outcome, and haven't had a problem as of yet. Give respect, get respect. Dig deep, and look for the root of your problem, then attack it and move on foreward! Good luck


New member
thanks for all your kind words and warm welcomes!

KammyKim - it is much harder than simply 'biting the bullet' when you have deep seated anxiety/social phobia issues or whatnot, but I do kind of know what you're saying. As for experiencing 'the freedom once'...I challenge myself quite often to do things that I am scared of and that cause me anxiety, however i still suffer from it so i don't think it suddenly just goes away like that. but i guess we all have different experiences and i understand what you're saying - hopefully the more i face my fears head on the easier it will become.

hedgemaster - Yes i think you're right, i think it is a case of digging deep to find out what triggered this. I think i might need a very good psychologist though!

I will keep fighting til i can finally overcome this, because i know i deserve to live a fully happy and satisfying life. and so do u all!
take care
Hey Eva,
I get scared that I'm going to have a panic attack here at prison where I work, be embaressed and possibly get someone injured. I have to carry a pill in my pocket and be aware when it happens to take it, and stay focussed. The worst thing to do is become is reclusive, and unattached. If life was easy we'd all be pretty bored right? Till I get it resolved I'll cope. My worst fear is dying in here when It happens. Not being with my loved ones, but dying lonely. But It can't kill me. But I just have to talk my mind throuh it, and stay focussed.... :) Just a couple ideas, you can deal with this. Your scared, and you just have to work through it slowly, a little at a time. You don't need a shrink, just sit back and think how it alll started, and'd be suprised what you might remember.