Okay, so...


Well-known member
...is there anyone else here with absolutely no plans for this summer what so ever?

:lol: :D :) :| :( :cry:



The year before last I spent most of my time at home in my bedroom! I was pretty bad back then. This year... look for a new job hopefully. 8)


Well-known member
Other than band camp I don't have any plans, and I don't really want to go to band camp anyway.


Well-known member
Well,I thought I would just stay here studying,but now there's a green light,I think I'll go on holidays! It will be for a few days actually,but who cares? Better than nothing! Hey,cLavain,you seem to change quickly your emotional world!


Well-known member
I have a couple of ideas but I haven't decided yet, travelling alone is not much fun when you have SA. Travel alone, look for accomodation alone, eat alone, go sightseeing alone, take pictures of yourself standing alone in front of things...lots of fun :)

But yes, I guess I will force myself to go somewhere in the end.


Well-known member
I have been telling myself for years that iam going to take 3 months off from work one summer and go touring Scotland and Ireland, i luv the look of the life style of living out of a backpack and just going where the road takes you, i also get envious of the people i see doing it, they look so care free and happy :)


Well-known member
Nope no summer plans what so ever. :( I just don't have the money for it.So i'm going sit here do what I always do.

I'm envious people that have the opportunity to on vacation some where.Lucky people.I always wish I could do that.