OH MY!!!!


Well-known member
my friend just messaged me a happy new year and bla bla bla so she says she'll call me and freak my mom out(she's called twice before when my mom and brother were away I hate talking on the phone and no girl has ever called me...I never even pick the phone up so my mom probably would) I told her that that was sweet but I'd hate her if she did. Then she says she'll call me at midnight!!!!!!!!! Then logs off!!!!! WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO? I'M FREAKIN OUT!!!!!


Well-known member
Its 5:33 right now where I live...AHHHHH I'm going to have to answer the phone and I'll be a total dork!!!!!


Well-known member
If you still have time ,get just a little bit drunk. Maybe that could relax you a little bit and she will get to hear more than heavy breath and your heart pounding over the phone.


Well-known member
Social phobia maybe? A fear of speaking over the phone? The fact that his friend decided to call him specifically right at midnight?


Well-known member
Thanks Ozkr. She never called....I waited for a while and went to bed. She was messaging me at 11:30 and haven't heard from her since...She's done things like this before...Fool me once...