

help me!!

I know that I have OCD as far as washing my hands and things like that. One thing that I'm curious as to whether it's OCD or not is this: I believe in God and I've been dating my girlfriend for a while and a while back I randomly asked myself if she is the one for me and without praying or anything I instantly thought she couldn't be because I met her when I wasn't a good Christian. (I have a tendency to think the worse things). I hated it! I didn't want to think that way at all! I would constantly think about it over and over again and I started convincing myself it was true. I would go through a list of why she is for me and why she isn't. I hate it soo much! The like a couple days later I just said no! forget! And when I did, I loved her again and had all the feelings from before. Then like a couple months later something happened that reminded me of this thought and it was back. I pace around the room thinking about it and I think it's OCD, but I can't be sure. I seem to think the worse of things and I HATE IT!


Active member
well, could be OCD, specifically scruposcity. it could also be you freaking about a life commitment. something to consider is whether or not it is biblical to have a "soul mate" or "the one." we may disagree philisophically, but I'm not too sold on the idea of "the one" but someone whome you trust, love, get along with, enjoy, and can resolve conflict with you well. If they are, GREAT! keep going. Otherwise you need to reconsider what you are looking for. I know this is more relationship advice, but you may want to think about that. Also, you may want to speak with a therapist about this one on one. Good luck.


New member
This happened to me a while back too. I kept thinking "what if i dont love her?" or "What if im wrong?". From the sounds of it, it could be OCD so go talk to a therapist to see what they think; its always better to be safe than sorry. If you are going through a rough or stressful time in your life, it could easily be that as well. Either way the thing to remember is that you know if you love her or not, you need to look deep in your heart and find the truth. Its there. Best of luck to you!


Well, the problem is that I never felt like I didn't until I randomly thought whether God want's me for her or not. I Only felt that way after (I believe love is a choice)

Help me!!!!

One thing that REALLY makes me think it's OCD is that when I obsess over something, I seem to mostly OCD over one thing at a time. and one thing that I always do is when I try to think of one thing, it seems to make me think the opposite. I HATE IT! Back to the point. When I stopped thinking about this before, I felt the exact same way I did before I started wondering if she was the one for me. It's like all the feelings came back when I wasn't thinking about it. I then began Obsessing over something else. It's like I have to constantly obsess over at least one thing. Since I've started obsessing over all this again, the feelings have gone away again. It seems once I'm reminded of a past OCD (or whatever you want to call it), I will obsess over that again.