Ocd worries


New member
Hi there,

My biggest worries now are of contracting hiv/aids. It makes me want to not live at all anymore. While I'm out at work I often get some prickly sensation on my body somewhere like when I'm sitting down in a truck or something. I used to look around for a needle that would have caused that sensation but of course there was not one there. A couple weeks ago I had a boss standing over me, guiding me on how to do something with their computer software. I remember when he had his shirt hanging over me, as it was touching my arm, that I felt immediately uncomfortable, and, unsurprisingly I felt some kind of sensation on my arm. I immediately reasoned to myself that I was not stuck with a needle because I did not move or say anything when it happened. However, about twenty minutes later I went to the restroom and put a generous amount of hand sanitizer on my arm where I thought I had felt a sensation. Hand sanitizer has alcohol in it and I knew if I rubbed it over where I thought I had felt the sensation earlier, that I would feel a sting, you know. Even after this happened, I told myself there was no reason at all to think I was punctured with a needle. I told myself if I kept this worry in my mind that it would stick with me and it has for the last two weeks or so.

I noticed sometime after this incident, maybe the next day or a few days after, that there was a round bruise on that same arm. It did not seem to be in the same place where I thought the sensation came from, but it still concerned me. In fact in the middle of that bruise I had a mole. Now when I look at the mole there is a tiny dark spot there where I assume it is a skin pore or something. Anyway now my brain is telling me it is a puncture wound. However, since I do a lot of lifting of packages at work, I sometimes do get bruises.

In summary, I did not move or say anything when this happened. I rubbed sanitizer over what I thought the spot was a little later, I did not feel any pain after the suspected puncture. I did not see any blood. And also, the fleece that I was wearing that day sometimes seems to pull my hairs on my arm when I rub the arm. Now that I write it out I feel better already. I just wanted to share and let others know my fear. At work yesterday I actually had my first panic attack I remember ever. In closing, I really think I anyone would know without a doubt if they were struck with a needle, right? I mean you would not wonder about it right?

Thanks for listening.

EDIT: Also what made my worrying worse was that a week after that happened I got sick, sorethroat the first day and then congestion for another 5-6 days. Logically somehow I have dismissed this as just a cold, instead of early infection hiv symtoms.
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Well-known member
On the needle prick theme, one of the strangest moments for me happened this summer. I was riding my bike at speed along a cycle path and something stung me. I didn't see what it was but felt the sting in my arm. Later on I started thinking about it a bit too much and convinced myself that someone must have stuck me with a needle. There was no one around so it couldn't have happened but I was convinced. It took me several weeks to be able to rationalise it and straighten my mind out. I can laugh about it now but at the time anything seemed possible.


New member
Dooby-duck and Barry1979 thank you both for the comments. I feel better just talking about it. Unfortunatley I didn't dismiss the thought the same day, now it's grown and even though I keep dismissing it it comes back again. Also, Barry, I noticed you're in Lexington, my home of several years. Unfortunately I'm temporarily out of KY. Thanks both of you again.


New member
OCD is flaring up again. Anyone else have any input? Suggestions? Advice?

I mean I would know for sure if it was a needle right?

Thanks for any help.


Active member
Hi treebeard,

Sorry to hear you're having worries.

In your last post you asked for reassurance. Sadly, that's the last thing you need. As tricky as it is, you have to get used to the extremely unlikely notion that it may have been a needle. Just as I may have breathed in fatal germs on the subway this morning, or a Boeing may crash through my roof in 3 minutes, or I may have an unknown cancer eating away at me...you'll beat the OCD if you confront it this way and outwit it.

What helped me? Saying:
"What the hell if this is the case...I'm going to beat this damn OCD...I'll live with the discomfort for at least a year and only then check / seek reassurance / worry over it."

Trust me, in a year you won't remember this 'spike'. Be tough with the OCD and kick its ass!

- W

Just Me

I’m going to say it’s virtually impossible for you to have contracted AIDS from a needle in your boss’ shirt. First of all, nobody carries needles in their shirts. Pants pockets maybe, but I imagine even then they’d have them covered. Even if he’d had a needle in his pocket, brushing up against it wouldn’t be enough for it to puncture your skin. Your skin is tougher than that. Even if the needle had aids on the outside of it and it scratched you, first you’d have a scratch and second aids can’t live outside of the body so even if it had happened that way, you wouldn’t get it. When people talk about getting AIDS from needles, it’s because AIDS gets trapped on the inside of the needle where it can’t be exposed to air so it doesn’t die(as fast, it still has to dry out at some point) The needle would’ve had to have stuck you and you would’ve absolutely known it I’ve always heard that if blood can’t get out, blood can’t get in. You would’ve been bleeding. Just to help you rationalize, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Although I do know where you’re coming from. I’ve been there myself. Hang in there, this too shall pass :)


Active member
While we appreciate the help from "Just Me," I agree with Westminster. Accepting the possibility of contracting AIDS, while accpeting the possibility that you dont have it, and living in the anxiety of not having the answer or reasurance is what will reduce the anxiety of the obsession. Rationalizing OCD wont help because OCD doesnt care about reality. If all it took to rid the thought was to have the medical and scientific facts then no one would have OCD (in cases such as this). Dont seek the reassurance, and stay strong though it without checking or giving in.