OCD: My little secret...?


Active member
I know it's not healthy to keep my OCD problem a secret from my parents (who I live with) and doctors, but right now it seems like the only way because I'm sick and tired of my psychological problems. I know to many of you, four years is not at all long, but I'm only 20, so to me it's one fifth of my lifetime.

And for four years, I've been to more doctors, psychiatrists and therapists then I can count. It started with my eating disorder and before I knew it, doctors suspected other problems and I had a provisional diagnosis of a personality disorder that I'm sure I don't actually have. I'm sick to death of waiting rooms, of feeling nervous and of experiencing that false hope. That feeling of hope you get when you think that MAYBE THIS TIME, that doctor will be able to help you, or that medicine will work e.t.c. And then, because I time and time again expect too much of other people, they fail me in some way or another and the let down is so much worse than before.

I'm also TERRIFIED of misdiagnosis. It was bad enough having a misdiagnosis of a personality disorder. But I'm scared that this time they'll think it's Bipolar or something.

Should I keep it a secret? Has anyone else done this?
If you wanna tell someone go ahead. But you still will have these problems. But telling people sometimes helps. But I recommend only telling those you trust. Also, don't put so much faith into a pill or a doctor wiping out your problems. You will only get disappointed and frustrated.

One of the worse things people do to themselves is freak out about their illness/issues. The more you do this the worse you usually become. Acceptance helps with it, also patience. Problem like these don't go away so fast and easy.