OCD like crazy after nose surgery

Okay, I've had four nose surgeries in the past five years, none of which were cosmetic. It started out to fix a deviated septum, then the surgery just made things worse, as did the revision. Another surgeon operated on me, and no good outcome either. I just had my fourth one done by a plastic surgeon, and I believe that he did a good job. He removed bone and cartilage from my rib to reconstruct my nose, as little of my real septum was left. He also fixed other problems. This procedure was my first rhinoplasty. I don't deal too well with change at first, even if it is beneficial. I believe this nose surgery will be a very good thing in the future, but my nose is very swollen still (I had it done almost 2 weeks ago) and the surgeon said swelling can take from 6 months to 1 year to completely go down...my nose feels very odd and it makes me obsessed with it, touch it and such, to see what internal imperfections were fixed, what was done, etc...but he told me not to touch my nose. I am trying so hard, and day by day it seems to get a little easier. I've been taking Klonopin (Clonazepam) 1.5mg daily for a while, which helps with my anxiety disorder and panic attacks, but no ssri medicine for OCD or depression, until two days ago. I started 20mg Celexa in the morning. I will report back in about a week or two to let everyone know how Celexa is helping my obsession with my nose and other intrusive thoughts. Any similar stories people would like to share? Thanks for reading :).


Well-known member
It is awful, I have this problem too.

I get fixated with parts of my body, for years it has been my teeth. I have had veneers done so they are perfect, but still I am constantly checking, poking, prodding and generally obsessing. I too find change really hard to deal with, even though I am happy with them now, I am not happy with still obsessing.

I hope the new meds work for you.
