ocd> I over analyse things

1st timer

Hi, Thanks for reading my post. I have never done this before and to be honest it is hard for me to find the energy to even do this, i have been so down lately.

I guess i have ocd, but im not sure, so i will tell you some of the things that get into my head and i cant get them out.

If i have a girlfriend i will constantly think from things she my say or do, or her friends say or anything really that she has cheated on me or will, or that she does not find me attractive etc. The thought may stem from something unreasonable or from something that may actually be plausible. I will then try to 'work out' the problem in my head, in the end it often gets so bad i cant function i cant do anything, the thoughts consume me and nothing else in the world matters but solving the problem, i will then ask my GF millions of questions in an effort to reassure myself, i usually say things to her and ask her questions which sound ridiculous and it tears me up inside having to ask these things. If she does not answer them in a way which i perceive to be correct (which is usually the case) the cycle just continues. For example i may think from her facial expression or her tone that she is lying, or even worse i may forget what we were talking about and think of it at a later stage, then i will kind of make up in my head that she said something in a bad way and it means the worst.

In short a make up things i my head and believe them to be true and then obsess for hours, weeks, months and even years trying to work out if what i thought was true or not.
. The thought may stem from something unreasonable or from something that may actually be plausible. I will then try to 'work out' the problem in my head, in the end it often gets so bad i cant function i cant do anything, the thoughts consume me and nothing else in the world matters but solving the problem, i will then ask my GF millions of questions in an effort to reassure myself, i usually say things to her and ask her questions which sound ridiculous and it tears me up inside having to ask these things.

at the risk of boring the ass of everybody on this forum with my ocd ramblings ....have a good read of this forum and you will find loads of stuff you will be able to relate to , and people who understand.

Yes its sounds ocd to me but the root of this is total insecurity in your self and your relationships , and ultimately you will push g/friends away with this behaviour , so you need to work on it. :rolleyes:

have a read anyway of all the other stuff and ways to help.
yes it is crazy :D:D

I met a lady about 15 yrs ago who had a similar ocd to yours.

She had the overwhelming need to apologise for everything she had ever done , and would be ringing people up , trying to get onto a certain subject so she could apologise for something she may have said 5 years ago :eek:

ultimately she was making herself look ridiculous and she knew it !!!! But the guilt she said she felt was so bad she just had to make all her apologies !

I also met a university lecturer who couldn't write anything down incase he wrote the wrong thing down or told any secrets etc and it might be seen .....

so yeah

crazy sh** it is.. this ocd ;)

1st timer

I know what you mean, a therapist told me to write thoughs down as a kind of ' ill get back to you later' type thing and it has really helped me to forget things at times and re thing them when i have a clearer mind, or better still forget them completelly, only thing is now i am finding that i spend half my day writing things down so i dont forget, its lucky i can use my phone to do it, i think ppl must thing i am a serious text msger! An ex also though i was texting girls, though i actually told her the real reason i do it in the end.