OCD about older women's clothes. Please give some advice.


I need some help I guess. Things aren’t going too smoothly with my mental state the last few months. I want to discuss it here and maybe some people have some tips. The problem is really frustrating and it’s interfering with my life. I just looked at my room, and it’s a big mess. I stopped going to the gym three times a week and now only go once… Still discussing this with my psychologist (older man) doesn’t seem to help at all, and maybe discussing it here will help me more.

I'm a 26 year old male and I have OCD for many many years. Only the last one and a half year things have really changed for the worst. Where I used to only have an obsession for once or twice a year, I now have it non-stop.

I won’t bother you with the first year, but since October…. Okay here comes the weird part……. I have these problems with trying to avoid clothes or things owned by older women. Okay, that didn’t sound very well. :S Let’s start at the beginning: I posted this before, but when I first experienced this feeling I was about 8 or 9 years old: my grandmother came and baby-sit my little brother and me once a week. In the afternoon she sometimes took a nap in me or my brother’s bed. How my brother felt about it, I don’t know. I, for some reason, couldn't handle it at all.

Before I continue, I don't know how many older women are reading this, but I don't want to offend them. I love my mom and grandma like you can't believe it and every day I get more fond of my girlfriends mother. I don't hate older women. My psychologist thinks it has something to do with the fear of older women interfering with my manlyhood....

This feeling came back about three/four months ago. My girlfriend, who stays at my place a few days a week, has no problem at all with sharing clothes. She, her sisters and mother share, where possible, scarves, boots, sweaters, I dunno what else. I don’t mind it when she is wearing my clothes like boxers, tank tops, sweaters, t-shirts etc., but whenever this comes in contact with clothes her mother could have wore, it pretty much disgusts me and I want to throw these clothes away. I don’t know why! I don’t hate older women. :S Maybe it’s something “Oedipussy”. Some unconscious fear where contact with older women, in any form, especially with my mother and my GF’s mother, should be avoided. Even their clothes.

I give some examples to explain how extreme things have gone:

- My girlfriend brought a bathing wrap she owned for many years, from her parents place to my place. Because I know she shares things like shoes, boots, scarves etcetera, where possible, with her mother I also have the strange feeling her mother could’ve borrowed/wore this bathing wrap from her sometimes. I don’t know whether or not this is true, but even the possibility makes me avoid this bathing wrap at any cost. Like this morning my GF wore a tank top of me (which I don’t mind at all) and later when making breakfast she wore her bathing wrap over this tank top. I now just want to thrown away the tank top! Like it’s tainted forever and I can’t even wash it out.
- My girlfriends parents gave me a second hand chair a few months ago. I thought it was just always her dad’s lazy chair. When I heard it used to be her grandmothers chair I didn’t want to use, or own it and gave it away.
- I left my scarf at my parents place a few weeks ago. Because I know my mother has this thing for scarves and owns a million scarves I felt like she could’ve borrowed mine for the time it was at their place. Although I’m not sure this happened and probably only happened in my mind I don’t want to wear this scarf anymore.
- Pillows that I used for more than 5 years I threw away, because I felt they were much older than that and could’ve been used by my mom before that.
- Sweaters my GF lend from me and took home, I don’t want to wear anymore, because there could’ve been a possibility that her mom borrowed that sweater from her.
- A poncho, my GF’s mother made for her has been in my backpack. Now I feel like I can’t put my gym-clothes in that backpack anymore, because they will be “tainted”.

Aaaahh, I can go on and on and on. Last few months, I gave away a perfect good chair only because it used to be owned by an older woman. I threw away pillows and backpacks, bought new ones. I washed my clothes, bed, myself and my hands many many times, even when it wasn’t necessary. I stopped wearing/using shoes, shawls, jackets, rain coats, sweaters, tank tops, backpacks etc, only because they came or could’ve come in contact with and older women or her clothes.

And when I do just wear those clothes I feel I can’t wear anymore, I get this extreme urge to just wash myself from head to toe and wash or throw away these clothes. It just feels dirty. Like I wore second hand clothes that used to be owned by granny’s. :S

It prevents me from functioning normally, it costs a lot of money and it basically sucks.

I just want to discuss things here. I know many people are not fond of second hand clothes but I’m wondering if people have this problem as extreme as I do. Would you also throw away/wash these clothes the way I do? Do you have similar issues or not at all? Do you have any tips to solve this? Basically, I’m just curious how people here would handle in these situations. Would you care at all? Wash it? Throw it away?

I want to solve this problem, but I don't know how. Everytime I do wear clothes I feel are "contaminated" I get this dirty feeling. Like I'm covered in mud and need to wash my body and wash or throw away these clothes. I basically get this very uncomfortable feeling which makes me feel horrible and make me lose all form of happiness and joy. Still giving in to this fear and continue avoiding, throwing away and buying clothes is extremely tiring, costs a lot of time and money and it only gets worse and worse and worse.

If anybody can give me some advice on how to solve this, please do. Thank you.
I am a fellow OCD sufferer. The only way I know how to effectivly get rid of obsessions like these is exposure therapy. I'm not even going to begin to lie: IT SUCKS!!! You're probably familiar but if you are not its where you gradually expose yourself to the things that make you uncomfortable. I am not a psychologist so by no means do you have to take my advice but a good start would be : 1. allow your girlfriend to wear one thing over that is her moms like a scarf or something (yes, this is giong to be VERY uncomfortable- hopefully your gf is understanding) 2. Allow your girlfriend to wear two items 3. Maybe keep one item in your room that is. 3. Then keep two items in your room. Go easiest to hardest. Exposure therapy does not work for everyone but for tangible fears like this it can usually improve. It sucks OCD is one of those disorders that you pretty much have to go thru hell to overcome the obsessions. But I can promise- when you do overcome this fear you'll feel like the strongest person on earth. Message me if you ever need to talk!


Hey thanks for the reply. I was already scared I had to go through exposure... I hoped there would be some other way but I guess there isn't. I tried to expose myself to these clothes from time to time, but didn't get further than about 3 days. I felt horrible. :(

Are you male or female and what age? What do/did you suffer from and how did/do you get rid of it? Have you any idea how long it takes before this exposure will help?
I am a 20 year old female. I have been suffering from OCD since I was in 8th grade. I have had copious amounts. I still suffer from it but I have overcome some of my obsessions. The biggest one I can think of that I overcame was the one that crippled me emotionally about 3 years ago where I used to obsess that every time my boyfriend got in a car he was going to die in a car accident. So I would make him text me as soon as he reached his destination. EVERYWHERE! I knew that it took him 7 minutes to get to work from his house. I knew it took him fifteen minutes to leave my house late at night and get home. I knew that he would arrive to class at college at 8:50 a.m every morning. I would give him those time parameters in my brain. I would do counting rituals to get thru that amount of time. Then if that time expired and I didn't get a text, I would have a full blown panic attack and couldn't even function. It got so bad that I used to drive past his house in another town int he middle of the night just to be sure his car was there and he was safe. I was obsessed with his safety. It sucked because to everyone else (besides him luckily) i just seemed liek this crazy, needy, paranoid, possessive, controlling GF. What they didn't understand is that I HATED feeling this way, I was EMBARASSED of it, and I KNEW my behavior was irrational but I couldn't just turn it off like a switch.

I started to go to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy where a therapist started to expose me to her brand of "exposure therapy." It was terrible. She used to tell me that I couldnt' control anything in life. That if he was going to die he was going to die. And that I would be fine if he died. It was TERRIBLE! If anything it set me back. It was like "Duh, I realize I can't control things that happen, but that isn't helping. And NO I would not be okay without him"

Now what you'll probably notice about your compulsions (throwing pillows and clothes away, buying new ones)...its that those actions you take give you relief. What eventually will start to happen (if it hasn't already), is that you'll start to get frustrated with those rituals and HATE that you do them and even if they give you releif they ALSO give you stress deep down. Thats when you'll know your ready for exposure therapy at YOUR OWN PACE. Don't think you have to decorate your bedroom with used garments and pillows overnight. Work on things on a week by week or month by month basis. It will be really really really uncomfortable. It took me months for the exposure therapy to really work but I swear by it.

Another thing that will help with your exposure therapy is trying to find the root of WHAT it is about these items that bother you. Don't bother trying to figure out why you feel the way you do or if you are normal for that etc. Its a waste of your time because taht really has no impact in your recovery. You cleary already know your irrational. Decide... is it the prescence of them, are you afraid if they are around something will happen, do you feel they are contaminated and have germs if they touch you? etc. This isn't essential, but it does speed up the recovery process because when you are exposed you can say to yourself "okay, i'm not gettnig sick as a result of the germs touching me" or "okay, nothing bad is happening around me because of the clothes being here" or "my girlfriend is not contaminated when she wears shared clothing" etc.

Also one more example where it worked with me was that I had a HUGE fear of vommiting. I would freak out if I was in a public place thinking I would vommit so I would alwalys scope out a bathroom or garbage just in case. I would panic if anyone around me was sick and would avoid them for over a week. I would disenfect everything. I couldn't see movies where people would vommit. I washed my hands ALL the time. I was forced into a natural exposure therapy on a school trip when I got food poisoning in Quebec City, Candada over eight hours away from my home town! I was a mess and had the worst time of my life. I was living my biggest fear. I felt a little better towards puking after that because I gained confidence from overcoming that. But I was far from better. I started by watching movies where ther was puking. Then eventually would force myself to stop handwashing as much. Then I would force myself to be around someone who puked but was not contagious (such as a drunk person)...and so on. This also took months to be effective. I still freak out if people around me are contagiously sick but I can happily say I can go to restaurants and malls and I can sometiems even not scope out the exits!

I don't even know you but I have total faith you can overcome this. Message me with any help you need in any step of the way. I still suffer from obsessive thoughts and intrusive thoughts that I battle. I worry about my sexuality, and goign insane, or developing worse mental disorders, or having the power to hurt someone etc. Thats why I visit this site to relate to people like me. I hope all of this helps!
