not understood


Well-known member
definately. Things have gotten much better recently, but what you're saying is exactly how i've felt and how i feel when things get bad. I'm not sure how much of it is myself though thinking that i'm burdening others with my problems. I've thought i was going crazy many times and no one had any idea the state of mind i was in because i would tell no one. It's good to have atleast one person you can talk to though who will just listen without feeling they need to necissarily solve all your problems. Do you have someone like that? I have my dad to talk to but alot of the time I feel like i bring him down with my own problems. So i can relate to what you're saying.


Well-known member
I never told my family or friends as well, cause I don't want them to think there is something wrong with me. I don't like them to think like that. So I always suppress my feeling all the time. When I'm in fear, I just keep it to myself, even tell a lie like "I'm alright", "I will be able to make it" to friends or family. I just want eveybody to think I'm alright. But I'm all alone in this battle and it's really hard, sometimes feel like crying. My parents think I'm strong because I seem like never have problem, but in fact I'm struggling everyday, I just never tell them. If God does not sustain me all this long, I don't know where I am right now. Only God knows everything and helped me through all those difficult time.
And yeah, I agree, sometimes we just want to hear words of consolation, but couldn't find anywhere. But this forum is great, poeple definitely can understand each other here. :)