Not sure...

What age did you find out you had SP?

  • 10 - 13

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I'm not sure if this is SP, so here goes.

When ever talking one to one i seem to feel uncomfortable looking into their eyes - i don't know why but i do - and tend to look and mess with my hands instead of paying attention to them, even though i started the conversation. I feel like they get the message that i am bored and such...

I care what people think about me... I'm fine (different) with people i know really well like the people i grew up with. When i join into a group with my m8s, i mostly just stand their with my hands in my front pockets coz i don't wanna say something that could embarras me, and if i try to join into a conversation - i end up messing up my words, and even my friends have told me i'm not very good with words, i know what i'm goign on about and can talk about things i like really well but i don't know... it's weird...

When a tutor / teacher does that thing where they ask students questions, i pray that they don't ask me incase i get it wrong and make a fool out of myself. Or if they do ask me, and i really don't know i just sit their going red with embarrasment untill the tutor asks somone else.

I'm not 'special' if i've made myself out to be - since i did say i was bad with words :p - i am actually quite intelligent, but i just get really nervous.

If it does come out that i've got SP, can anyone recommend what i should do to fix it? or atleast help it... and please only suggest talking to someone else like my mother or anything if it's the last option because i just wont / can't.




Well-known member
Yes, it's social phobia. It doesn't sound like a really bad case, but I think it definitely is SP.

What about a guidance counselor or teacher? Is that any different? Maybe you could write to one, instead of talking?
But do you have friends? If you tell them, it'll help. And you can buy a book for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (or Acceptance Commitment Therapy, but CBT is usually recommended) and work on it yourself.
One more things i avoid;

On new years eve, i was invited to a party with a bunch of lads (3 friends and 3 people i didn't know...) i was looking forwards to it, untill around an hour before i set off. I really didn't want to go cause i know what i'm like - i get really nervous when in a room with people i don't know... had a few beers (ok, downed 3 and had 5 or 6 more...) and got wasted (I'm a lightweight, first time i've drank), and didn't seem to have a problem talking with the people i didn't know... is this usual for people who have this?

well i do have friends, and one problem that i get is that i can't open up to people... i'd say i've classed myself as weak because i can't sort it out myself... so i can't do it... so i just keep things bottled up...

would appreciate anymore posts that could help me...

