not being able to do stuff to the best of my abilities..


when around people...

if im alone i can do anything i can drive perfectly, own most fps games or even just eating but as soon as someone is around me i just become this big fail just even pouring a drink while someones looking the nerves get to me i start missing the cup lol. i wish i could be as good at stuff as im alone when people are with me.

Well-known member
I know what you mean. The minute I think I'm being watched, I feel pressured and lose focus on what I'm doing, and end up just concentrating on not acting weird in front of people.

I think this kinda thing gets better with exposure therapy. For me anyways. Just getting on with it and getting used to it more.
I know what you mean Masychef. I hate it when you have to sign your signiture on a document and someone is watching you!
I end up being so worried that they may think that my signiture is stupid. So I write it so fast that sometimes I make mistakes or it ends up having differences compared to my signiture that I do when no one is watching me!::eek::


There are some people that i can perform up to par for and others that i can't do anything adequately in front of. It varies. But yeah, it's highly frustrating to feel so self conscious, so you're not alone.
due the feeling that you are being watched, it takes all your attention,,,
learn to concentrate more on what you are doing, you can,,


I know what you mean Masychef. I hate it when you have to sign your signiture on a document and someone is watching you!
I end up being so worried that they may think that my signiture is stupid. So I write it so fast that sometimes I make mistakes or it ends up having differences compared to my signiture that I do when no one is watching me!::eek::

i guess we have different sort of sa i dont mind signing my name in front of someone