Norwegian HH sufferer


New member
First of all, english is not my mother tongue, so bare with me 8)
Just wanted to introduce myself, and maybe bring something new to the discussions.

I'm 25 and have been suffering from SA and HH for some years now. This has lead to somewhat social isolation. Have lost contact with lots of friends, but have a few good ones left. Have never really told anyone about my situation, besides from my shrink, so it was nice to find this forum.

I feel like the whole SA / HH is a catch 22 situation, they are feeding each other, and it becomes a viscious circle. I've always been shy, but I also kind of like meeting new people and talking to them. However I just can't seem to control my nervous system in social situations, I always end up getting stressed out to the point where I'm thinking I'm going to have a panic attack. Half an hour in a "stressed" situation leaves me drenched in sweat, I suffer from underarm HH, and for the past couple of years also HH "a little south of the border".

For my SA, I was prescribed Zoloft, but this really didn't do anything for me, it actually felt like I was getting more depressed before I stopped using it.
For my HH I have tried something like driclor, but I couldn't stand it, made me itch like crazy, and kept me up all night. I have also tried strong deodorants but with little effect. When it first starts dripping, it pours.
What I have had best effect with, I have not seen mentioned here nor have I found it at any other webshop. It's a Norwegian webshop, and I'll post a link so you can see what it is (not trying to promote anything here :roll: )
It's basically like a sanitary pad or what you call it. You stick it on the inside of your shirt, and it soaks up the sweat. It's scented so you won't be smelling neither. It's worked great for me, but it doesn't cure anything, and it's kind of a pain sticking it of the inside of t-shirts all of the time.

What really anoys me is the sweat in my lower region, I didn't have it in the beginning, but it has just grown stronger. It will leave marks or dampen chairs and drench my boxers to the point where I can collect a pint of sweat from them :oops:

As for the future, I'm going to try something called NLP for my SA, and also the stop-sweat forte+.

Kind of a long post this, but it felt good to vent. If anyone got a tip for preventing lower region sweating please let me know.



Well-known member
My HH is somewhat different to yours in that facial/cranial is my problem.

But I just wanted to say that if Norwegian is you native language then your post is amazing and you should be very confident about your future prospects. Regardless of your condition, you have shown an excellent appreciation of the english language and you should use this skill to your advantage. If we English could show the same aptitude to languages we would be far better off..... and i count myself in that as I admit to being lazy in learning languages. Good luck.


Well-known member
My HH is somewhat different to yours in that facial/cranial is my problem.

But I just wanted to say that if Norwegian is you native language then your post is amazing and you should be very confident about your future prospects. Regardless of your condition, you have shown an excellent appreciation of the english language and you should use this skill to your advantage. If we English could show the same aptitude to languages we would be far better off..... and i count myself in that as I admit to being lazy in learning languages. Good luck.


Well you know sweating is a side effect to panic attacks and just being really nervous so I think thats your core problem. Try another kind of anti-depressant.


New member
Thank you bill-uk :D
I don't think americans, englishmen or others who have english as their first language are lazy, it's rather that they don't have to learn anything else I guess, and will get along fine just about anywhere.

Anywho, how do you cope with the situation? Do you go about your life as usual, or has it changed?

I used to hang out with friends all the time, and I really miss that period of my life, before I got HH. Sweating wasn't an issue, but now it's pretty much running my life.

Funny though how sweating can be so local. I have friends who will sweat like mad from their forehead, but not at all anywhere else. Can't remember the last time I sweated from my forehead, but I guess my underarms compensate for that :?

Ritzbitz, have you had success with other meds? Zoloft was mainly prescribed for my SA and not the HH.