no wonder I have SP

Wednesday, December 14th:

So, I said more than hi to two girls in my sociology class and we actually had a real conversation. Was doing great because girls intimidate the living dayights out of me, especially girls my age. So anyway, I go to visit my boyfriend and we're trying to decide where to go eat. He'd eaten earlier without me so really, i'm trying to decide where to go eat. Being the extremely indecisve person I am, I want my boyfriend to choose, even though he's not eating. He turns to this guy he knows, Kyle, and asks him where he reccomends we go. This bastard Kyle says (with me standing right there) "anywhere that will make her shut up". Naturally, I hit him and told him he was an ass and should be nice. He told me he was gay and didn't have any ties to me. Try as I might, I can't come up with any relation to being gay and not having to be nice to girls, especially one who you don't even know. I've gotten over it now (I was really upset about it last night) but with the majority of people in my life either ignoring me or being mean to me when i've been nothing but nice, it's no wonder i'm scared to death of people my age, know whether I someone or not within a few minutes of meeting them (and usually I don't), and have social phobia.


Well-known member
Keep your head up darlings. It's in my experience that gay people are not very nice people.


Well-known member
Hey lildreamer,

I'm really sorry this guy treated you that way he doesn't know you from Eve. I don't know where he gets off saying something to you like that but the the guy obviously has no tact and no manners and NO SOCIAL SKILLS. Unlike james, I don't think it has anything to do with this jerks sexual preference. Assholes come in all shapes and sizes and this guy is a prime example. Don't let it phase you sweetie, he was probably just try to be cocky and funny but wound up well.. basicaly just being a cock. Guys can be really stupid. I know it's hard but just try let this one roll off your feathers It's not worth dwelling on.


Well-known member
well just cause you meet an ass doesn't mean you should take offense to it. him being rude. shouldn't upset you. some people just don't have a way with words.

and jamez that's a stereotyping gay people. just cause you've met a few bad apples. you can't say they all are. Since i know a few nices ones. however i am a guy. so they are probably flirty. and someone may hold grudges towards females. but if they are rude. don't let it get to you. you be you. and that's all.

and it was nice of your boyfriend to stick up for you, when you got insulted. but it happens.
I really wish it weren't so hard for me to just let things like this go but I am super sensitive. After telling myself about 50 million times that he's just an ass and getting a good nights sleep, I was able to move on but I just needed to vent. My boyfriend could tell I was in a bad mood last night but I didn't really want to talk about it with him since they are in the same fraternity and everything, it just made it harder to talk about with him. I dont know, maybe i'm just too sensitive...probably.


Well-known member
I know what you mean lildreamer, when you know you shouldnt let someones nasty comments get to you, but you cant help replaying it in your mind over and over and over..... .

The last time someone was really rude to me and upset me heaps was when I was at work and this customer called me stupid and an idiot and told me he was surprised that I even passed high school because I accidently gave him the wrong change. As you can imagine I was very upset over this but when I thought about it, I had to admit that my maths skills weren't very good, so I started work on improving them and now I have more confidence in that area. (I would say my maths skills are now average rather then terrible :) ). So sometimes good things can come from people being jerks, although both guys in our stories still need a good kick in the head!.

By the way, please dont let the fact that this guy is gay make you homophobic. I think he may be sex obsessed and figures since he cant get any off you then he doesnt need to be nice. some people huh!.