NO DEBATES Best Work at Home Jobs


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The 4 best ways of making money from home are listed below:

1. Substitute Teacher where you work with children and we all know that children are safe to be around. Also you work when you want to work and there is plenty of work. There is also Substitute Teachers Assistant or Substitute Teachers Aide where all you need is a high school diploma. Please you must love kids to do this

2. Foster Parenting where you board 1-5 abused children in your home depending on the size of your home. I personally always take 2 at a time which brings in around $1,000 a month. spend like $350 a month on the kids and keep the rest for yourself. Please you must love kids and have patience to do this

3. Online Investing where you invest in autosurfs such as exponential-earnings, QXLsurf, Invest-n-surf etc.. just to name a few which are really hot right now. Exponential-earnings is paying 150% back on your money. So if you invest $100 with exponential-earnings, you will receive $150 back. If you need more of these investment programs that are paying, pm me.

4. seems to be a good work at home program not an investment program. Usually I don't deal with these types of work at home jobs where you have to work so hard to bring people in and it takes so long to make money HOWEVER with the it seems that they market and bring people in for you for a cool $70 per month and they promise that within 1 year, you will be making $4,000 a month. So far this program has been in business for one year and is a success. For more information they have conference calls on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm and 11pm EST for both newbies and members.
Please convert to your time zone. You can listen in or ask questions.
The number is 641-715-3300, pin 1017393#. After you enter in your pin number, you must hit that pound key (#) afterwards.

P.S. let me tell you guys though that the best money making experience for me online is autosurf investing. There is some risk but if you do your homework, the risk is small. For more details so that you don't have to risk so much, visit this website: