night classes or charity work


hi, ive been thinking about going to a night class or doing some charity work. this might help me build some confidence, the only problem is i havnt got the confidence to go in the first place :? a vicious circle! i no i would really enjoy it but this disease is holding me back, its not fair i just want to be normal.


Well-known member
You should make as much effort as you can to do one or both of those. The only way to beat this disease is to push yourself to do these things. If you really want to do it, I say try as hard as you can to push yourself to participate in night classes and/or chairty work. The more you can force yourself into the situations, the more confidence building possiblities there are. It is ultimately up to you and I wish you luck if you ever decide to participate in either of those.


Well-known member
hey there, i volunteer from time to time at a cat shelter, and my first days were horrible. my first week i accedentally let a kitten get away from me!

from that day on i swore not to go anymore. i had convinced myself that all the people were unfriendly and cold and wanted nothing to do with me. but i love cats to death. when mine died three years ago i needed cat exposure! i made myself keep going, especially since it's good for job references and a great way to meet people and make connections. i can get all of that i can get!

so i kept going and i came to find out that most of the people there were super friendly, there just wasn't alot of people my age there. i'm SO glad i kept going because anytime i need some cat interaction i run up there to get it and i love every second of it.

i say go for it


thanx for the replies, i am a big cat lover myself ive rescued a few homeless cats in the past . i have 2 at the moment but they r very old tommy and oscar. :)


Active member
I help out with a few groups and the worst bit isn't always that first visit. I tend to think of them as a business thing and I'm going to a meeting. I find it harder once you get to know the people.

Depending on where you are in Manchester there are some good volunteer bureaus around. The one in Bolton is great.