nickabcuk's posts?


I wanted to reread some stuff that he had wrote on this forum but it has disappeared from all of his posts, and instead they all say:


Last edited by nickabcuk on Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:25 am; edited 1 time in total


did I miss something here???




Well-known member
Maybe he/she couldn't stand their words being out there for anyone to read :( - I have felt like doing the same at times.


Well-known member
I emailed him shortly after he had diligently gone through all of his posts on this forum and edited them out. He said that he wished to only make info available from websites over which he had control, rather than have his words scattered around mulitple forum and websites.

The good news is that I had kept a copy of all of his posts in his "3 key steps to social confidence" thread, which is where much of his advice was posted. I'll happily email it onto anyone who wants a copy.

But you might first want to try visiting I know he used to be a central figure in the SA West Group although his details were removed from that website at the same time as he removed his posts from this fourm, which was all a bit mysteroius. However, the "Past Session Handouts" section down the right hand column contains much of his information, so you can freely view it at your leisure.

I've not seen his name anywhere on the web since last October, which is a real shame. I hope he has plans to for a web presence in the future as I feel he offered real hope to people. He was one of the very few people I've heard of who seems to have completely overcome SA, so his advice was priceless.

I'd recommend to everyone that they take a look at his handouts on the website mentioned above.