Newcomer-Happy to be here


Glad to have found this forum. Its a relief to see that so many other people share the same experience and feelings as I do. I've had probably the most severe type of palmer HH since grade 9. I am 19, and have been living with this for at least 5 years now. Before grade 9 life was, quite frankly, grand. I had no trouble at all with physical contact, and now I have not laid a hand (significantly) on a girl, or hardly even another person, for that matter, for about 4 years. No joke. I have it with my feet and a bit with my armpits, but that doesn't much bother me.

My worst break out I suppose was a year or so back when I went to a doctor to talk about HH treatments. He took about 10 or 15 minutes to get in, and so as not to soak my clothes I let my hands rest on my thighs over the floor. Sufficed to say, the doctor came in and saw the puddle of sweat that took three kleenex's to wipe up and soaked them all and was a believer that I needed help. I've since not had nearly such a bad case like that, considering I was ultimately nervous and perhaps subconsciously drawing upon my condition to prove to the doctor that I needed help, but it is nonetheless often times pretty bad.

I attempted for about half a year to use a machine that I forgot the name of. You put your hands on pads in water and it runs electric current through it. It didn't help at all and it just ended up always hurting badly each time I did it. I was very dedicated to using it every day and had high hopes, but it wasn't able to help me.

I've thought about getting treated by getting the nerves clamped, which I believe are in my rib cage. I'm just too scared of all the reports of compensatory sweating ruining peoples lives much more. If it didn't turn out bad it would be so worth it, but I'm not sure I can bring myself to risk it.

Surgery itself is no particular problem (All my life I have had a problem with my arm where a bone along the elbow that is suppose to be inside the arm is sticking out, so it appears as if I have a double elbow. My arm operates normally except for a slight bend, but it looked awful. I got this corrected largely by them shaving and polishing down the bump.) Its just the risks that have me scared shitless.

I've been chugging along just hoping for a leap in medical treatments that have an even better chance of success, but that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon.

Sorry for going on and on. I had a lot to say and am glad to be able to say it.

As a last note, is there anyone by chance located in the Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada?


Well-known member
I agree with s13_ Give the ionto treatments another shot but with a better machine like the Idromed 4 GS, use it everyday for about 15mins for a few weeks and you should see a good improvement. Also add something like Odaban to your hands at night. The machine you used was probably the drionic which frankly isn't very good. hope this helps


I think you should try ionto again. It took a about 10 or more treatments for me to see results. I use drysol as well at night and it totally dries them up with the ionto. My feet still sweat but i don't mind it much because my hands no longer sweat alot, at most they have gotten moist at times. Good luck with whatever u decide to do.


Yeah the drionic was the one I used. I kept at it for like 3 months every day but nothing. I doubt that anything short of surgery will work on such a severe case such as mine.