Newby in Kent


New member
Hey all.

Just joined. I'm a gay guy, almost 37, and alone my whole life. I work as a research scientist in London, but usually work from home - often because I think all my colleagues hate me!
I've always felt like an outsider, unwanted, unloved -hated more often than not, and clearly not considered attractive enough to anyone....

Has anyone read Kenneth William's diaries? That is my life. Too a tee. I am going to dribble on like a miserable shit til I kill myself when I'm 60.

I generally despise people - I wish everyone would shut up and keep still - but yearn to be accepted. I seem to share interests with no-one, and find it quite impossible to converse socially. I'm not into sports, or clubbing, or drinking...
I like quiet walks, orchestral music, cheesy sci-fi, reading - all the kind of stuff you can do alone!!

Okay, so you're all thinking, 'bugger me, no wonder no-one wants to know the miserable sod'. My work is done.



Active member
welcome to the forum I'm new too i'm not thinking bugger you by the way. I think sometimes you have to find the right people who share the same interests as you.Maybe the immediate people around you may not be interested but that doesn't mean others don't. I'm sure youre not the only one who has those interests. I personally don't mind quiet walks. Also a lot of people put on a front and pretend to be into the same interests as other people when they personally like for example cheesy sci-fi films. people who we look at as normal can actually be really insecure anyway don't feel so down. I know how it feels like to feel as if you don't belong. I think thats how social phobia makes you feel.


Hello Dominic,

I'm from Kent and like you people irritate the hell out of me. I live in a dump of a town and don't fit in, feel like i'm being stared at and talked about, feel like people hate me and the way i look.
I wish i lived back in the rural place i lived when i was growing up at least i called go for walks in the quiet with no morons around me, instead i spend most of my time in my house, on my own hiding from the world.
Your not alone feeling the way you do, there are many of us miserable sods about. At least with this website we all have a place to come and vent our thoughts & anger.

Take Care