New : )

Hi all :eek:) I'm Hailey, I'm seventeen and suffer horribly from Social Anxiety that Body Dysmorphic Disorder has gave me, it's awful, Right now I'm having a super hard time with School

At School I run into bathroom stalls when I hear someone coming, I blush very easily which doesn't help Body Dysmorphic Disorder.. I'm obsessed with the flushing, just seeing someone I know out of nowhere trigger's it ! .. I just feel overwhelmed right now :eek:(

I spend a lot of time in the Washroom in the mirror( BDD ) , the washroom is actually triggering for me now, Looking in the mirror can actually cause flushing at School if I'm nervous that I don't look nice, or if girls are in there I feel pressured to leave quickly or that they are judging me soo I start to flush

When I flush in class I get out of there *Asap, sometimes I get myself so worked up about my flushing in the mirror it goes 2x as red ..! what a vicious cycle

I avoid talking to people I know as I just think their judging me or will pick out all my flaws, this is making everything so tiring and hard

Hope I'm welcome !
Scared Hailey*



Well-known member
Hi Hailey.Im only 23 now but social phobia started when i was 17.Its a horrible time for it to come along,with all the social pressures around you etc etc.Just wanted to say the fact youve acknowledged it and even found this site and posted is way more than i could ever have ever done back then.With that level of bravery im sure youll eventually 'kick its arse'.Obviously the BDD runs much deeper and i cant really comment on that with my lack of knowledge but im sure if you apply the same focus,bravery and seek the right help have bright future.Nice to meet you and welcome to the site :)


Well-known member
Oh thats not good haha.Im actually a guy :oops: .My avatar is just a radiohead logo I really like.Ah well nice to meet you anyways MrRightNow :wink:


Well-known member
Funkymunky said:
Oh thats not good haha.Im actually a guy :oops: .My avatar is just a radiohead logo I really like.Ah well nice to meet you anyways MrRightNow :wink:

Sry dude, I was actually referring to slutkissgirl.


Well-known member

H Hailey :D , welcome to this site, hope you stay around a bit.Last night i watched a show that had a guy with bdd and it was very enlightening.It must be hard for you, plus having social anxiety :(.Any idea what triggered the bdd?


Well-known member
Sry dude, I was actually referring to slutkissgirl.[/quote]

Ahh sorry mate.Hadnt been to sleep in quite a bit when I saw that. :roll: Does the webmaster read the forums on this site by the way?.Perhaps we could suggest he put a BDD section under related disorders.Theres seems to be quite alot of people who have SP and BDD on this site.Its obivoulsly linked.
Hi all ! I am so sorry about the long wait for me to reply, my week was fairly busy. Thank-you so much for all of the replies ! ..

To you're question dream_13, Body Dysmorphic Disorder is when you are completely focused on your appearance, mainly your flaws, to the point where it actually makes life soo tiring and awful. you can check out to learn more, there is so much about it and it has brought so many horrible thoughts, rituals and insecurities into my life, I really don't know where to start, but it's always worth a look :eek: )

To Mr Right Now, I'll be totally honest I'm lost with the whole ' Being old fashioned' comment, My brain isn't working too well tonight, so if you could refresh me that would be great

BDD under related disorders would be wonderful, as it does bring a whole lot of Anxiety around other's

Thank-you for all the welcomes and support all : o ) I appreciate it



Well-known member
Welcome slutkissgirl to spw.You will find a lot of people here that will support you.I know what your talking about with bdd. :(

Well the best of luck and I hope you find what you are looking for here.