O.K. so about 2 years ago i did hard labor work for a family member of mine who is demanding and wanted everything done yesterday! i am sure you know the type.. Well anyways the one day i was driving home with a co-worker of mine and i felt like i was going to pass out and had a very hard time breathing so i pulled over and called 911. they met me and took me to the hospital. and my heart rate was up and down..
they ran some tests and said it was dehydration which i thought was true because it was very hot out and the labor is very rough and hard and i had been working no stop.. So i came home from the hospital took it easy for two days then went back to work. That day i was driving to the job with the same co-worker and felt faint again and i started getting nervous and worked my self up.. got to the job and i was walking around non stop, shaky kept moving. and was very nervous feeling. i got through the day came home and relaxed..
That weekend i was getting ready to go to the bathroom went up stairs and walked into the bath room and my heart started beating very very fast. I then ran down to get my mom and G/F and i was sweating like no other my cloths were soaked from sweat so they called 911 i was sitting on my step feeling like i was out of it almost like i couldn't keep my head up and very tired like.. the ambulance took forever to get here and when they did they wanted to take me. so i got in and my heart rate started going up and i was nervous and the paramedic told me that when i was asking if we were there yet i was getting more nervous which made him think anxiety. i got to the hospital they wanted to keep me over night to monitor my heart and do some tests.. Everything came back fine and they released me which made me even more nervous...
I went back to work the following week, It was very cold out and i just remember having a hard time breathing and not being able to do anything with out getting out of breath i then left early. and that continued for a two more days.. I then went to my doctor and she had said anxiety runs in my family and i am probably getting panic attacks. So she tried different medicines and nothing seemed to work. until she put me on Effexor XR so i am currently on that and have been for a bout a year and a half. I ended up leaving my labor job and starting my own company everything seemed better when i would get the panic attacks they wouldn't be as bad and my doctor told me to take a kolonopin when ever i felt anxious to keep the attack from coming on which worked great...
well i didn't have attacks for about 4 months!! and then i was driving one day and i got 3 in a row!! and it wouldn't go away!! i don't know what is causing them i hope someone can help me here.. i just want them to go away my sister has anxiety and from what my mom said my grandmother had it also... but how come i get stuck with the attacks! and why so bad here are my symptoms below i wanted to know if anyone else had the same ones...
-Rapid heart beat
-Very Very hot (soaked in sweat)
-feel faint
-can't concentrate on anything
-dry mouth
i think that is it. i thought they were brought on by working with family but i don't know now because i was just driving when i got it and it was one of the worst ones i have ever had... i hope you can help!!
That weekend i was getting ready to go to the bathroom went up stairs and walked into the bath room and my heart started beating very very fast. I then ran down to get my mom and G/F and i was sweating like no other my cloths were soaked from sweat so they called 911 i was sitting on my step feeling like i was out of it almost like i couldn't keep my head up and very tired like.. the ambulance took forever to get here and when they did they wanted to take me. so i got in and my heart rate started going up and i was nervous and the paramedic told me that when i was asking if we were there yet i was getting more nervous which made him think anxiety. i got to the hospital they wanted to keep me over night to monitor my heart and do some tests.. Everything came back fine and they released me which made me even more nervous...
I went back to work the following week, It was very cold out and i just remember having a hard time breathing and not being able to do anything with out getting out of breath i then left early. and that continued for a two more days.. I then went to my doctor and she had said anxiety runs in my family and i am probably getting panic attacks. So she tried different medicines and nothing seemed to work. until she put me on Effexor XR so i am currently on that and have been for a bout a year and a half. I ended up leaving my labor job and starting my own company everything seemed better when i would get the panic attacks they wouldn't be as bad and my doctor told me to take a kolonopin when ever i felt anxious to keep the attack from coming on which worked great...
well i didn't have attacks for about 4 months!! and then i was driving one day and i got 3 in a row!! and it wouldn't go away!! i don't know what is causing them i hope someone can help me here.. i just want them to go away my sister has anxiety and from what my mom said my grandmother had it also... but how come i get stuck with the attacks! and why so bad here are my symptoms below i wanted to know if anyone else had the same ones...
-Rapid heart beat
-Very Very hot (soaked in sweat)
-feel faint
-can't concentrate on anything
-dry mouth
i think that is it. i thought they were brought on by working with family but i don't know now because i was just driving when i got it and it was one of the worst ones i have ever had... i hope you can help!!