new to daily panic attacks


hello everybody
im finding the advice really helpful on this website but i'm still terrified of what is going on with me
in january i was sitting at a starbucks on my computer when all of a sudden i started getting a tingling feel all throughout my body. i was having trouble breathing and felt as thought i was hyperventilating and i got so scared and burst into tears. i felt anxious about it all night and early the next morning. i would be dozing off to sleep and would suddenly pitch out of my sleep a couple of times before i could actually get to bed. now i feel as though i am worrying about having a panic attack 24/7, and am starting to have them on a daily basis. i do not want to go on meds, i just want to go back to normal. i have that sense of derealization and feel as though i am going crazy and i really do not feel like myself. im always worrying about death and these panic attacks are really taking over my life. i honestly don't know what triggered it but im so scared that im going to get to the point where i'm going to isolate myself from life basically, and just sit in my room and be scared forever...what do i do? does anyone else feel this way? it's scaring me so much, i just want to be normal again. writing this is making me cry cause i just want to change! how can i make this go away without going on meds??? i seriously need you guys' help!!!!
thanks so much in advance


Active member
Panic attacks need to be neutralized through phased strategies.

In other words. Start with one strategy and stack on others as time passes.

Strategy 1 : Learn how to meditate. Learn how to focus your breathing. Ultimately breathing will relieve your symptoms. When you can master meditation despite your surroundings, you can calm yourself down from a panic attack within minutes.