I agree with Sacrament. When I was in the U.S. Navy, I was taught how to swim by a bunch of hard-ass Navy SEAL's. At the end of the swimming class you have to step off a 10 foot high platform into VERY deep swimming pool. The moments up to that were terrifying, and I knew I couldn't get out of it...it had to be done. When they give you the command "Edge" you step on to the edge with your toes hanging over. Your hands are crossed over your chest with your right hand over your nose. At the command "Step" you close your eyes and step off the edge. When I took that step the plundge was sickening, it felt like I was taking forever to fall.
But you know what? After that the fear vanished. You see, hesitating makes the fear stronger. The best way to deal with fear is with action. Keep fighting, if nothing else fighting it is something to be proud of.