New person I met wants me to email her


Well-known member
I went to the dentist today to get my cleaning, and the hygenist that did my teeth was very friendly, enough to actually scare me. But she was a very nice lady, and even offered her email address to me. She seemed sincere enough to really want me to email her, but knowing me, I have my doubts. A million and one questions started to go through my head, like, did she just feel sorry for me? You guys know how it is, but my history with making and keeping friends is pretty crappy, if not basically non-existent. Do I email her? I mean we did kind of hit it off in the office, even sharing a couple of laughs, but I don't see why she would want me to REALLY email her. This is insane.


Well-known member
Its a bit odd innit. Cant say that iv ever met anyone thats said heres my email adress email me sometime. Ah well who knows. Why not give it a few days, then send her an email saying

hey its "me" how you doin what you been upto ? I'm alright just working and that .... just some blah blah bs for something to say, if you can think of a wise crack stick that in there aswell, and maybe add something to the email like some funny picture you got off the net or something, hey check this out thought it was a laugh .. ya know ? That should be a good ice breaker. Then just see if she replies, you'l soon find out if she wants to know you or not wont you.


Well-known member
"Hey, (her name), remember me? The guy with the bad teeth that you tortured?"

Oh yeah email her.


Well-known member
Yeah, I agree with the rest of them. You should definitely email her. Why would she come out and say "hey, here's my email address, write me sometime," if she didn't truly mean it?? There was no reason for her to feel like she HAD to give it to you (being in a dentist's office and all)....try not to over-analyze the situation so much!=)


Well-known member
There you go, i just took my own advice, twice :lol:

Advising other people of the obvious motivates me


Well-known member
Hey, it's pretty cool that she offered you her email address. I hate having someone wanting to call me. I hate the phone. This seems like a good opportunity for you to get to know her without that phone call awkwardness. Go for for it!


Well-known member
Does she know that you have SP? That's the only circumstance in which I would become suspicious i.e. she's only done that as she feels sorry for me.

If she doesn't know about it, then I think it's a perfectly innocent gesture and would go-ahead and e-mail.