New old guy or Old new guy


New member
Here's my first post, a short introduction of me...
I'm a 53 year old married male with no kids, but two cool cats. My wife & I live in an apartment. I've been on SSD for almost a year for several issues, Depression, Social Phobia, AVPD, OCD, Schizo-typal Personality Disorder.

Fortunately, the wife has a good job with insurance or I'd surely be on the street or dead by now.

For the past 30 years, my dysfunctionality showed up in not being able to hold a job longer than a few years at most.
On any new job, I was a "model' employee, and would learn the job "too well". Slowly, more work was piled on me and since I can't say, "No", there was never a shortage of work for me. I would then be allowed OT to work, longer & harder. I worked through breaks, and lunches because that allowed me to "hide" in my work.
Eventually, at the pace I was working, stress began building in me, which seems to make all of my conditions worse. I get more paranoid, irritable, isolated, depressed, etc.
Then one day, out of nowhere I'll snap at a co-worker, or boss & quit on the spot with no job waiting in the wings.
Since I had no social life, I saved like crazy with all my OT.
It was my savings that always carried me through the times between jobs.
I would often have to make many geographical moves just to find a company desperate enough to hire me. I was single most of the time, so I could travel quite light.

Will write more later...



Well-known member

Realy intresting post you made cause I had alwayse quietly suspected that the term workalcholic was mis guided. You are proof that lots of people who work nonstop dont do it for money but for diverson.


New member
Thank you for the welcomes!

I pretty much stay in the apartment 24/7 unless I "have" to shop for something or go somewhere.
I don't know what I'd do without the computer!
While my wife is at work, I'm spending my time trying to learn Maya. It's a very powerful and complicated program so it's going to take me a long time learning on my own.

I only speak with my wife on a regular basis.
No other friends or family.
I also need to set up some appts. to see my psychologist. My avoidant part keeps putting that off. :eek:).

I've found ganja a very good companion during the day when my situation starts getting me down. It also "seems" to help my creativity.