
Background: I am 37 and had sucessful ETS in 1999 with Dr. Spratt for, primarily HH of hands. Unfortunately, my 7 year old daughter has very bad HH of hands.

I was doing some research the other day and found two interesting topics:
1. PTPS; this form of ETS uses an injection of Phenol into the nerve versus cutting/clamping. It is done using a CT scan to insure the exact location of the injection. Has anyone heard of this? Pros? Cons?
2. Lotan's Hook; this is specifically for ETS in children.

Please don't respond with "I can't believe you are thinking about his for your child" or any variation of this.



Well-known member
Ooh. A 7 year old? Can't say I'd feel right doing that. Actually, it kind of hurts to read to tell you the truth, Gary. I feel kind of bad being a part of this thread, myself.



With all due respect for this board and your values, I am not interested in how you feel about decisions I make with my child. I am interested in finding a way to help my child with her HH in a safe way.
There's some links and information about it in the sticky thread, under 'CT fluroscopy'.

I don't know that much about it but a lot of people who are pretty clued up on ETS say it's basically "chemical sympathectomy".. using chemicals to destroy the nerves instead of the ETS method. I would advise against it personally because the side effects are probably the same and it's not been widely used to my knowledge.