New Member


New member
I Just registered to this site. I just came across it and thought maybe it will be different then the other social phobia sites I have registered at. It seems every other one I've belonged to was useless to me. Well there's not much to say about me. I will be 19 soon. This has been going on for a while now and I haven't even been properly diagnosed with social phobia/social anxiety. I have compared many similar symptoms. I have not seeked help. I think that if my mind is strong enough to convince myself such negative thoughts that I can cure myself. Agree or disagree with me. But I am my own person and whatever brought this on can be conquered. I feel very strongly about that. A very important reason why I registered at this site was because I would like to adapt to the many other people who are going through the same problem. I have a very strong tendency to blush constantly, everyday in almost every situation. It could be a simple greeting to a smile or compliment from anyone. I feel very judged and cannot stand being in restaurants because I feel I am being watched and carefully criticized by everyone around me. I am quite confident that I don't fear being in public places or situations, but the fear of being humiliated and my blushing being discovered by others is what I have a problem with. I have a very low self esteem and if knowing someone has discovered me blushing makes me feel weak and that I am seen as a stepping stone for people to walk all over. A lot of things have happened in my life that could easily be the cause of this but I am not going to make excuses for myself. Everyone goes through hard times. I just hope this site is an improvement to the others I have been in contact with. I also hope I can relate to others. I have no problem with opening up and sharing my experiences, so if anyone is comfortable enough to talk to me about you're problems I am a willingly good listener.


Active member
This site is good one to get some answers to common questions that you have. Welcome to the site and I hope you get some answers to any questions you might have.