new kid from the chicago area here.


what's up? i'm eric. i'm 17, and yea.. there's not alot to know about me.

my main passion in my life is cars.. i eat, sleep, and breathe automobiles. ive got a 1995 Pontiac bonneville SLE which has come a long way since I've purchased. Pics:




I'm into photography somewhat.. But I've only got a digital 4 MPX camera..

My other hobbies are going to the movies, listening to music, any other average teenage guy interests.. my main reason i joined this website is to better learn to talk to women. I'm a very romantic boy, I just need to find the courage and skills and ease of speech to talk to girls.. I can talk to the guys just fine. .i'm just .. I get scared alot of what a girl will think of me and I lock up.


Edith said:
Oh man! my sister has that exact same car... she loves it to death she calls me up to take a ride in "The Bonnie" as she calls it...

I'm not big into cars but "The Bonnie" is a pretty sweet ride 8)

Thanks for the welcome :)

if she's got the 'net, have her check out Http://

Lots of useful information there.. I've saved into the hundreds in money by knowing how to fix things by being told what easy fixes for them are.

How long has this webforum been around?