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hi everybody. im really glad i found this forum, i did not realize so many people had the same problem as me. I do not have sp, but I do get uncontrolable blotchyness on my chest, neck, face and arms. I have always been a very social person but since have have develloped this problem things have been harder.
I hope to learn new things here and maybe get cinfidence and help others with their problems. :)


Well-known member
Hey Karmen I hope this site helps u out. I get the blotchyness too it sucks but i'm learning to live with it seems the more i accept that its just the way i am the less it happens. Anyway a big welcome and i'm off. :)


Active member
Hi guys, thanks for the welcome. Linds I would like to hear more about your redness to compare it to my own. The weird thing is i get blotchy when I worry about it, I can be having the greatest day and start thinking about turning red and then it happens. Of course it happens when I cry or get embarresd, but I am not a nervous person the only thing that holds me back is worrying if I will turn red. For the longest time I was convincing myself and other people that I had bad allergy attacks but I knew deep down it was more than that. My redness has effected the amout of clubs and activities I do and I never wear low cut shirts anymore. It would be nice if wewe could share our experiences with each other and get a few tips.

P.S how old are most of the people on this forum?


Well-known member
With my blushing it usually starts with my face, i'll feel myself getting red then i'll worry and worry about what people are thinking and if i'm going blotchy. This makes matters worse cuz then it happens no matter what i do. I dont even have to be around people i could be talking on the phone and i'll get blotchy to be honest its happening now cuz i'm worrying about the people reading this thinking i'm a freak lol.
I try not to wear low cut shirts if i know i'm going to be in a stressful situation, but there's always times where it sneaks up on u. I have long hair so i usually wear it down so i can hide it if it happens (little trick i found that works lol)
I'm 19 and most of the people i've met on here are in or around their 20s but i haven't talked to a whole lot.


Active member
I am 15 i also use the long hair trick :) another thing i find works is holding a peice of ice in my hand ,it looks a little weird but it works.


Active member
I am 15 i also use the long hair trick :) another thing i find works is holding a peice of ice in my hand ,it looks a little weird but it works.


hey karanm im 25 i get bloachy red patches on my face and neck and chest its horrible and i too have confident but like you have this fear of going red and i wish i could wear low cut tops as well. im cuurenly seeing my doctor about thiis so i'll keep you posted im new too here


Active member
I was going to a doctor as well, my FB is getting a little bit better but i still wish it wasnt holding me back from things that I would do if i didnt have the fear of getting all red. Its the worst at school because when ever the teachers ask me something i get all shy and blushy, even though I am cvonfident I have the correct awnser .


Karamn, its really tough i know believe me but the problem doesn't just disappear you have to fight it. do you get red when you know your going to party or you meet certain people i do, going red and the fear of going red as caused me to have anxiety which is crazy as im confident but because of the fear of going red i did stoopgoing out to social events even meeting up with the girls can cause me to have these huge red patches on my neck and chest which take about an hour to go away. Bascially we have to be strong. My worst memory was at my 16th birthday party when my mum saw my red patches on my neck and face. she was so hurt and i saw her crying to my aunt and saying why does she have to have this problem im crying while im writing cause the thing that hurt the most was not the redness but my mums face when she saw me. see your doctor and a counciller ok chat soon bye to all blusing beauty's :oops:


Active member
sometimes if i go to a place where i have had a bad blushing attack then i'll start blushing. I'm also very sensitive to the words red, embarresed, and blush. when ever I hear people say those words it makes me feel really sad and scared. I wish I could just go back to how i used to be, life, and school were so much more enjoyable when i didnt have to worry all the time. My parents help me as much as they can, my dad always tells me the more i learn to deal with it the less it will happen and the more it wont bother me. I'm really thankful that you understand because i really want to talk but i'm just scared that i'll start to think about being red and then it will happen.


Active member
sometimes if i go to a place where i have had a bad blushing attack then i'll start blushing. I'm also very sensitive to the words red, embarresed, and blush. when ever I hear people say those words it makes me feel really sad and scared. I wish I could just go back to how i used to be, life, and school were so much more enjoyable when i didnt have to worry all the time. My parents help me as much as they can, my dad always tells me the more i learn to deal with it the less it will happen and the more it wont bother me. I'm really thankful that you understand because i really want to talk but i'm just scared that i'll start to think about being red and then it will happen.


Hi Kareman, your Dad is right you have to just throw yourself into life, i know this sounds crazy but the more you face it the easier it becomes next week i have to do a talk in class i am just gonna get on with it have by bottle of water next to me and take a deep breath and go for it speak soon im so tired. but defently chat to your doctor. take care and stay positive.


Active member
thanks sweetlips you seem to have a great attitude! and thtas exactly what i think everybody in this forum needs :D


thanks kamran do you know what sp stands for? i keep seeing it a lot in the forums thanks hope everything is going well with you bye for now 8O