New here. Where to start...


New member
Well everything was going good in school, I was one of the most popular kids, I played all the sports and stuff. Then at about 8th grade my life totally changed. I got really nervous when i was around people i turned really quiet and shy. In school I couldnt stand it, so i got put in to a special class with few people but it still wasnt good enough. Long story short i evenually dropped out in 9th grade.
Well now im almost 19 no education no job, i tried homeschooling but couldnt get motivated knowing i would never get a job due to my social anxiety. I still hang out with friends and im fine around them but my social anxiety keeps me from getting a job, and going on with life. Basically im sick of it and i want a cure so i can go along in my life. Can anyone give a reccomendation on where to start. money is not an issue, im willing to do almost anything by now.


Well-known member
Hello one
welcome. Where to start - a GP is a good place to start. They will know of any counsellors - mental health institutes in your area and they will also be able to prescribe medication if it is called for. Goodluck with any treatment - i wish you well. We are here for you.


New member
Oh yeah i forgot to mention about a year ago i went to a counsler/psychiatrist and he prescribed me something i cant remember the name but i'll find out tomorrow. Anyways it didnt work so i stopped taking it.


Well-known member
one said:
Oh yeah i forgot to mention about a year ago i went to a counsler/psychiatrist and he prescribed me something i cant remember the name but i'll find out tomorrow. Anyways it didnt work so i stopped taking it.

Well the sad and frustrating thing about medication is that it is pretty much all down to luck. I have been on 4 meds myself and soon i will be taking my chances with a 5th - it is a case of persistence really. If you actually want any real help on a cognitive level i suggest you go and see a psychologist - psychiatrists are useful for dishing out medication but a psychologist will be able to help you on a practical level - again goodluck with any course of action you decide to take.


Well-known member
Dont expect any help from here. Its just a place where people like you gather and bitch about their petty lives and all the mistakes they've made.

I was much like you, but never a popular kid. About 8th grade I had basically no friends. I got kicked out of regular school aand tried a home study program but lacked any motivation like you. So from 16 to 18 I basically did nothing and was content with it. At 18 a neighbor got me a job, maybe a year after I got that job I lost interest felt like if this was life it was pointless. I quit that job, was unemployed for a period of time, then I got a job through a temporary service, it was the worst job Ive ever had, they treated people like dirt and all the employees treated me like even less. I ended up quiting that job too. In my 6+ years of of being over 18 Ive been homeless, had maybe 20 differant jobs and dont hardly have a single thing to show for it besides a rusted up old truck and a huge amount of repressed emotional baggage.

Makes you feel good hearing my story eh?

I dont know what to tell you man. If your lucky you'll find somone or rather a reason (it maybe someone or some thing I dont know). If you still have friends iD SAY go hang out with them, act stupid and careless it seems to work for everyone else.

But really tho, try to get your GED. Try some temporary services if you have no experiance or skills that are useful to employerss. Other than that Im still trying to figure it out myself.