New Forum Suggestion: Success Stories?


Just curious what some of the administrators/moderators/members thought of this.

I notice we have a "Personal Stories" which I think is great, and really helps members relate with others going through similar issues/concerns. I was just wondering if we could add for success, that is, people who've successfully overcome SAD (or overcome most of it).

I think it would help encourage other members that it is possible to overcome and I think reading about someone going from shy to outspoken (or however you want to phrase it) would really aspire others to achieve the same.

What do you guys think? Probably not the best idea in the world but thought I'd throw it out there


i think that's a great idea,
as much as i like reading other peoples stories that i can relate to,
it would be nice to read a few that kind of reassure you that it really is possible to overcome this