Nervous and sweating in public has gotten worse!?!




I just got back from the store and it was such a horrible experience. There I was in line paying for my groceries and just the fact that others were around it felt like everyone was steering at me and just the thought of them doing that makes me feel very nervous and I start to sweat. But guess where I sweat??? MY FOREHEAD of all places. Then I feel like a complete idiot as I'm standing there sweating and nobodys even talking to me. This has really gotten bad over the years. This feeling very rarely came on in my twenties but now that I'm in my thirties I'm struggling with this whenever I go out in public. It makes me just want to stay home!

Does anybody else suffer from this or anything like it? And if so, is there help out there with meds or otherwise?



New member
I have a condition called Palmer Hyperhidrosis which at the first sign of anxiety causes the sweat glands in my hands to kick into "waterfall mode". Ever since I removed myself from an office style working environment and started working on my own the anxiety has gone down considerably thus so has the hand sweats. I had been informed of an oral medication I could take that was suppose to work well for my condition which may possibly work for yours as well. It's called, very simply, Drysol
I've yet to try it but I've heard some pretty good things about it.

A sweaty forehead and face may come from high blood pressure as well ( or at least be exasperated by ), you may want to check in on that as well )

Good luck!


Oh thank you for your reply. Drysol huh? Has anyone else tried this product? Could this be a magic pill for sweaters like me?

Thanks again!


Active member
Won't be a magic pill. It will reduce the sweating but it will only be effective for so long as your body will become immune to it naturally making it ineffective.

Anyway, the problem you describe is anxiety. So, to answer your question of does anyone else suffer from it, yes, we all do.

Some people sweat, some people blush in the face, others hyper ventilate.

There are meds that can help you, just ask your doctor.


Thanks ThatGuy...

My question is;

What type of meds should I ask for? I've been on Prozac, Zoloft & Paxil and none of them have done the trick. If there is something else out there I'm sure a lot of us could benefit from it.

Thanks again to all who have helped! :wink:


Active member
For my anxiety and blushing issue I had I used a drug called "Effexor". That is one of the most widely used drugs for anxiety.

I did find it worked OK for quite a while. Though be warned, it has a massive list of side effects and is supposed to be one of the hardest drugs to come off due to it having insane withdrawel symptoms.

Could be an idea asking for a low dose, then seeing if you like it as it comes in different strengths.

Here's some info on it:



I have a Doctor's appountment in a couple of days. I will mention to him about "Effexor". I will see what he says.

Thanks so much. I will also post a reply and let you know my results.