negative thoughts returned but energy levels fine on medicatin


Well-known member
I am 22. I first noticed social anxiety when my grandad died when I was 8 years old. I remember the funeral and seeing my grandad just lying there. The next day I was back at junior school and just before assembly that morning everything just changed. I suddenly became aware of being worried about what others thought.

In 2007 I saw my GP. Got given citalopram. Nothing happened. I got put on paroxetine one month before my final year of uni when I was going to have to give presentations which I was dreading. Unbelievably to me, paroxetine worked and enabled me to finish uni.

I have been on 60mg paroxetine since december 2008. I finished uni in May 2009. I have not been able to get a job. Only recently have I said to myself that I dont want to think these negative thoughts anymore. I have been working on my negative core beliefs. What I realise now is that for the past year the paroxetine didnt allow me to counter negative thoughts with CBT because they didnt arise until recently.

What is so odd is that when paroxetine's effectiveness reduced slightly and i began getting negative thoughts again yet my alertness remained the same as the first brilliant year on paroxetine. Doesnt this mean mental illness has permanently took hold once you get problem. I mean my GP was talking of coming off them and maybe relapsing; i relapsed whilst on them still.


you know what has helped me with my negative thoughts, its a fairly simple thing to do everytime you can hear those negative voices/thoughts starting to chatter in your head speak out loud and say STOP do this untill your thoughts stop the trick is to get yourself to focus on what you are saying out loud and just keep thinking stop in your head untill your mind calms down it rlly did work for me I no longer suffer from all the annoying voices and negative thoughts in my head