Need to feel loved


Does anyone else know me (besides myself that is).

I have the feeling that when I hit the Enter key on this computer it will be somehow different from talking to myself all the time or writing in a diary. I really wish I could use this site as needed but still don't have my own computer at home. I don't know if that is good or not, good for behavioural, not for cognitive perhaps....


what happens next?


Well-known member

People relate to and connect to whatever their mind perceives, or imagines.

No one ever really knows 'you'. They relate to a conception of you, like i am here. My version of you is not really you at all. I am only as useful to you as you want me to be.

It is different than talking to yourself, i know what you mean.

In my opinion this site is awesome, i learn so much, i hope you find a way to visit us more.



Well-known member
hi vincent.

Hi vincent, i hope you are having a better day then the from other days. I understand from what you wrote, that you are lonely. You enjoy logging onto this website for companionship, connect with human beings. NOT to offend you, but the times you dont have access to your computer or internet is actually a great thing! WHY?? Because just like when the lights and electricity fail in your home, and you are sitting there all alone in the radio/tv/no reading material..nobody but your own tend to get out of your darkness and into the light. IN the light, you see and hear the light, you now remember you were never truly went looking for the light, and your connection was always there. WHAT i am trying to tell you, vincent, is you can be very alone at home with a computer...but when you force yourself to go and connect with people outside of your home...make connections that may lead into friendship or love, that is always the best. One more thing VINCENT, you are special, you have all sorts of greatness and goodness in you..dont be selfish...let the world know of this special person, named VINCENT. ---BY THE WAY---- :D ```if it is your real name on this website...go live up to your name! :wink:


Well-known member
Re: hi vincent.

savage_beagle said:
Hi vincent, i hope you are having a better day then the from other days. I understand from what you wrote, that you are lonely. You enjoy logging onto this website for companionship, connect with human beings. NOT to offend you, but the times you dont have access to your computer or internet is actually a great thing! WHY?? Because just like when the lights and electricity fail in your home, and you are sitting there all alone in the radio/tv/no reading material..nobody but your own tend to get out of your darkness and into the light. IN the light, you see and hear the light, you now remember you were never truly went looking for the light, and your connection was always there. WHAT i am trying to tell you, vincent, is you can be very alone at home with a computer...but when you force yourself to go and connect with people outside of your home...make connections that may lead into friendship or love, that is always the best. One more thing VINCENT, you are special, you have all sorts of greatness and goodness in you..dont be selfish...let the world know of this special person, named VINCENT. ---BY THE WAY---- :D ```if it is your real name on this website...go live up to your name! :wink:
I think that's true somehow. The best way to improve,is trying to go out there. But don't forget that this doesn't work for everyone. I've tried to go out,make friends,bu the anxiety I felt on these cases was so high and I couldn't manage. People saw me as a weird thing too,maybe cause I'm really weird. So,being in front of a computer and posting or chatting here is very important to me. It has improved my self-esteem a lot,as if I wasn't here,I would be completely alone. It doesn't matter that it isn't a real friendship,meaning that you can't meet people here. It makes me feel better so it's alright. I understand what you say Vincent,of wanting to be loved,I feel that way too. I think you should do what makes you feel better.