Need Help


New member
HI, i know you probably get these questions a lot but i would like to know if you think I have SA or am I just shy?

I have no particular problems asking people things e.g store clerks

I can conversate reasonably well if i am spoken to but i have problems starting a conversation or talking to new people

I dont like answering questions in front of a class

I get very nervous if i have a presentation or something but i can usually cope and get through it without freaking out.

i have no problems whatsover with haircuts , going shopping, running in public i.e everyday things etc.

i dont like to be seen alone if everybody else is in groups

I can stand up for myself and argue with people i dont know well if things arent fair, although this is a new thing for me as i used to just hide away.

I would also like to ask if you think that these shyness/SA traits are just a stage of growing up as the past few years i have got much better ( i am 16)

Any input would be greatly appreciated as this has been bugging me for a while


Well-known member
You could be suffering from shyness and may grow out of it. Or a milder form of social anxiety. From what you stated, some social activities don't bother you. It affects people differently. Talk to a professional if your concerned.


Well-known member
thats similar to me. I personally feel (utterly shit...) lol but I feel like I have a milder form of Social anxiety.

you mentioned being able to answer in conversations. I can do that too, but in my case I struggle understanding what impression I just made. I'm very nervous and stuttery/tense/amazingly high../depressed these days too, which you didn't mention.

its your choice. decide your normal and be confident, or decide you're not and live in endless regret and sadness like the rest of us!! your choice, it probably makes a difference! I've been typing random crap all day so I hope some of that was of use, ..
What you have seems like just normal shyness to me. Everyone feels nervous sometimes when they're put "on the spot" after being asked a question in class. Social anxiety is more severe. Social anxiety is when you can't function in everyday life. When you can't get a job because it is impossible for you to go to an interview or interact with your co-workers. When you experience anxiety just being in public, fearing everyone around you is scrutinizing and judging your every action and aspect of your appearance. That's social anxiety.

Then again I don't know your whole situation, but that's my take on it based on your post,


Well-known member
It sounds like just shyness, but that's just based on your post. You seem to be comfortable doing a lot of things people with SA struggle with - conversations, haircuts, standing up for yourself etc and you said you are getting better so I don't think you should be too worried. That said, you can't trust other people to diagnose SA over the internet. If you're really worried about it then maybe you should talk to a professional.


New member
thanks guys, from i gather here SA seems to be a major major problem on peoples lives. My symptoms are just a nuisance that i hope to get over.

I really hope you get over SA as life is waiting to be enjoyed.
