need help please


New member

im chrisitne and im currently in year 12 studying how bullying affects wellbeing of school children from years 7-12.

if any one could please help me with finding information or perhaps telling me your story weather u were the bully or were bullied and how u felt that would be much appreciated

thank you :)


Well-known member
Happened during the age of 11-13. Daily humiliations : being laugh at, being threatened, being kicked and hit, having offensive nicknames...

Effects: lack of interest in studies, lack of interests in socializing, becoming a social outcast, anxiety attacks, feeling reality is a dream, rock-botton self-esteem, obsessive thoughts of vengeance, hostility towards other people, depression,...


Well-known member
yeah basically everything said above, leaves you with an overwhelming sense of fear from that person, you then find it hard to socialise with people, it can have long term effects in later life, and in some reeeeally bad cases people loose it and either take it too far as to kill that person or others if they go nuts or even kill themselves to get away from the pain that the bully causes. One of the worst things ever!!


Well-known member
Oh, yeah, and I forgot to add a few more things. The bullying can have long-term effects and by "long-terms effects" I mean that fifteen years after the traumatic experience took place, you are still are suffering from the same sh*t as you were when it originally took place.

Also, it can give you a sense of non-reality of your life. By this I mean, that you do not know if your existence is real. You may have crises in which you don't know where you are or who you are. You don't seem to remember anything about your past, you don't know where you are going...I would like to think of an adjective that adequately describes that feeling but I can't find one. "scary", "nerve-racking", "tortous",...No, I don't think any adjective exists in our language to describe that feeling.
You walk around like a zombie not knowing what to think. You may even suffer from hallucinations similar to those that the main character has in "Jacob's ladder"(a very good motion picture, btw).

If you have been bullied, that can leave you with an enormous feeling of rejection. Therefore when someone doesnt answer emails, phone calls, etc. you take it out of all proportion and get into a state. You can start blaming people irrationally for not loving you enough. By this I mean, by them not wanting to do even trivial things with you.

Really, bullying sucks, as you may have imagined. And something has to be done. And to all those people who say that bullying is part of growing up, someone should beat the living *"#! out of them. J*sus fu*ki?g christ. All your youth down the toilet because of a handfull of bullies...