need advice pleease!!!


New member

I recently came into contact with a girl I use to work with. We met roughly 5 years ago and I liked her - and she knew it. We are both pretty shy people. I did ask her out but nothing came of it.

Anyway, its a very long story which I may post sometime, but basically at the moment I have met up with her for coffee and then for lunch. We have also emailed each other alot and have texted on several occasions.

I am meeting up with her this weekend for a trip to a seaside resort.

Basically, I am working myself up a bit about it. I find it quite hard to be myself around people and may come over as being "quiet" and not the "silly", possibly cheeky person I can be. I am myself, juist very toned down. I keep thinking over and over that I'm going to be "quiet", boring and all the other negative type things.

I have no idea where we are going with this - friends or potentially more and that in itself is frustrating. I feel I could let go a bit if I knew how she felt over me. Can anyone offer any advice on how to relax when I'm with her - we do chat alot and have a fair bit in common, which is one of the main reasons I like her, and I feel fairly comfortable with her in a funny sort of way, compared to most other people. How to let go or just stop the negative thinking. I'm also a bit scared to push anything or say certain things in case she does just want friends.

Anyway, its a bit more complicated than it appears, but it would be an awfully long story otherwise....



New member
I'm not an expert in recent courtship methods (been married for 34 years), but since she agreed to a weekend trip at a resort, it sounds like she must have an interest in moving forward with the relationship. Go for a swim, have a margherita, and enjoy the sunset. Unless she's just playing you for a free trip I think you're going to be just fine.

Have fun and be yourself.