Need a friend?


Well-known member
:D Hi,

Do you need someone to talk to?

I'm a Christian and had SA :oops: for years before the Lord started to heal me of it.

Anyway, I know the pain SA causes and the despair. I also know how lonely it can get. So if you need to talk. Just write.


Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.


Well-known member
Hi Jamez,

Well...I gave my life to Jesus Christ about 4 years ago and through faith and prayer and trust in Him to take over, I have been healed. I would say I still blush about 10% of the time but no where near as much a handicap it was for me before.

I just kinda gave up and put it all in His hands one day and He has taken over every time I'm in a situation where I am scared that I will blush because I put my trust in Him.

does that explanation help? how are you doing? how bad is the SA with you?


Well-known member
Hmmm...interesting. You put your faith in Jesus now all is healed?

My SA is not as bad nowadays as opposed to a few years back. I don't consider it too much of a problem.

Otherwise, I have other problems I won't go into detail here though.


Well-known member
Yes, it was a really bad problem for me. When I first got it I couldn't even look anyone in the face it was so bad. I would turn red just being in a room with others. It was so painful that I just gave up.

I'm sorry to hear you have other worse issues. Life is definitely not easy.
I don't know you, but I will say a prayer for you, God knows who you are.

I hope everything works out....


Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.


New member
:oops: i can make myself blush just by thinking about it. I blush whenever anyone tries to talk to me. I hate it, its gotten worse over the 4 years i've had this.


New member
I'm very happy for you. Yeah, your story shows how faith can help people in their lifes.
I've tried different things to make myself stop blushing. I've prayed,I've tried white magic, autosuggestion, visualisation... So, there were times, when I wouldn't blush for more than few months... But now it's getting worse and worsa again, so- please- pray for me. Maybe it will help.
Anyway, you sound so peacefull and calm, I know things will get better.
Good luck!


Well-known member
H06 said:
:oops: i can make myself blush just by thinking about it. I blush whenever anyone tries to talk to me. I hate it, its gotten worse over the 4 years i've had this.

I'm sorry. I wish I had the power to make all of us never blush again, not ever! And we'd be so incredibly brave, even more then normal people because we won't be used to to not blushing and it will be so cool.

A nice thought huh? I really wish I didn't blush so much. I blush around my family even. Or when watching sex scenes in movies. Or any time at all. I just want to run away and be a recluse in the swiss alps and write novels.


New member
hi my name is gunnar i have social phobia , i`m 27 years old, but now my sp its not like before im much better now, im interested in to know about your situations, im from peru - south america, i can understand english, or in italian, and japanese. greeting and good luck to all :) peace. ops this is my email or msn gunnarbenja,