Naked in the Locker room

Sometimes I go to the gym, sometimes I take swimming classes (I REALLY had to push myself to do this the first time around) more often than I'd like, I find myself naked in the locker room.

I started out changing in the bathroom...but the bathrooms are small and people get annoyed when you take up space there just to change. Plus, EVERYONE gets naked in the locker room, and I was starting to feel like I was bringing more attention to myself by not joining in this practice.

Now, exposing yourself in a populated public place is bad enough, but to tell you the truth I think I am actually more uncomfortable with the fact that everyone else is naked. There are women conversing everywhere, exchanging recipes, talking about this, that, and everything in between...and every one of them is completely nude! No one cares; every one is relaxed and care-free. I'm the only one who is uncomfortable; I don't want to look anywhere because it might be misconstrued as a perverted stare...

So I tense up and look straight ahead; I do my business as quickly as I can, anticipating the moment I can escape, when another woman starts talking to me, breasts flopping, private areas exposed...She's saying something about the instructor or the facilities -- I don't pay much attention because I'm mortified, afraid to make eye-contact, or accidently look somewhere I shouldn't. I mutter a generic reply without giving more than a glance in her general direction; I'm trying not to seem like a perv, but I think I just come off cold and distant....

Maybe this isn't even SA. Maybe it's a body-image thing; maybe it's a nudity thing...who knows. I just wish naked people would stop talking to me in the locker room. :oops:


Well-known member
I just wish naked people would stop talking to me in the locker room.

i'm sorry but this is great. i dont think anyone will ever say this in another post ever again on this forum.

anyway, i have to sympathise with you because i'd be just as uncomfortable!! geez, i couldn't do that and i'd make a b-line for those bathroom stalls. i might just dry off as fast as possible and put my clothes on over my bathing suit :lol:

and yeah, naked people make me feel weird too. i couldn't not feel weird if they just walked up to me like that...


Well-known member
TwoYellowSocks said:
when another woman starts talking to me, breasts flopping, private areas exposed...She's saying something about the instructor or the facilities -- I don't pay much attention because I'm mortified

I'd be terrified too! Hell, I was too scared to even reveal my bare legs when the girls used to get changed for hockey in school. But I think looking at the humourous side of this situation would relax me a little. :D

But good for you for going in the first place, wish I had the guts to go to a gym. :)


Well-known member
to be enclosed in a small room with a large number of naked women would cause me extreme anxiety too, I have enough problems talking to them when they are clothed >.<


Well-known member
haha! i have yet to attend one of those parties :lol:

but i do think it is acceptable for women to be more touchy feely than men. for me that'd would only be with my closest of friends! and by that i mean... hmm... like if a chick came up to me and was like "does this look weird to you?" with a potential problem or something. i can't see guys doing that. maybe i'm wrong


Well-known member
yeah, that makes sense. i hate double standards. and from what i've seen in my guy friends, it really affects them too. most of them don't even know how do deal with stress - any stress. they just bottle it up and forget about it. but i don't think one sex has it easier than the other, chicks have their crap too.

arrrrgh society 8)