My theory and cure after trying everything out there.

Does altering and shortening your sleep affect your sweating frequency and ammount?

  • A little

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  • Moderate

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  • Noticeable Difference

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  • A lot

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  • Sweatfree next day

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Dear All,

I wont be brief, so if you are really interested to find out what I think is causing our condition and how to naturally deal with it, please bare with me till the end of this post, where I will state my conclutions which are very important and will help many of you a lot. This could be very usefull to those who believe their HH is mainly caused by anxiety, tension, stress, etc, but is definetely very useful to everyone else as well.

Im quite new in this forum, this is probably my 3rd or 4th post.( i've been reading of what is posted for a while and i found many useful things)

I am a 24 yr old student and I currently live in England. I have learned about the existance of this condition about 8 months ago by searching the web. I knew there was something wrong about me quite some time now and now I know more than most of you out there about HH, I spent the past 8 monthsv constantly researching, testing, experimenting on myself and others and I have come to some very interesting conclusions which I would like to share with you.

From as long as I remember I had palmar HH which was relevantly no hard to deal, then in my teen years planter HH appeared from nowwhere to make me feel uncomfortable due to hygiene reasons (bad smell) in the feet, in the past few years axillary HH came along and recently all the other parts of my body joined the game to make me sweat everywhere in my body.

Now I have generalized HH which seammed to have gotten worst over time, until now...
After some hard work in trying to figure out whats the deal with this thing, i have come to a conclussion and one conclussion only. I am as dry as HELL now and i know how to be, there is one tiny cost though you may have to adjust your lifestyle to, which is nothing compared to the resuts you will get.

Before i say more, i would like to state some of the basic "innocent" things i have tried so far and didnt work so you get the picture of how desperate i was of finding an acceptable solution for it.

1. First I got every kind of medical tests and indicated that there was nothing wrong with my health.
2. I tried eating and exsersising and living healthy (gave up smoking, coffee, salt, sugar n sweets, tried sage etc), and i also followed many ebooks which are currently out there which promised cures and cures with no effect at all,...well there goes the money, wasted.
3. I tried Anti-perspirants and other relevant solutions.
5. I ordered Avert and Ditropan and tested them too.
6. Many other novelties of my own which didnt work much either.
7. And other things which didnt work either (clothing, shower techniques etc)

Well, now...I have collected all possible info i could find about HH by observing and doing a little "PHD" of my own on it and im glad to tell you about my prospective of cure.

All right everyone here it goes… The thing that made me "klik" was when I read about someone, quite a few of you actually, telling about their experiences about when they were on vacation, that they didn’t seem to sweat so much or not at all, and I was wondering why the hell is that? Strangely enough I went to some relatives over the weekend ( in the summer) and I didn’t seem sweat that much over the next day I was there, and it was about 40 oC with humidity more than 75%. I was like…what the Hell is going on?

I would like to state all the facts (or most of them) that led me to what I found, so please be patient and read the whole post so you get an idea of what I am talking about and how to deal with you type of HH effectively and efficiently.

So let’s make things to make sense shall we? After some research I made about the three major systems that seem to be involved in sweating; the circulatory, muscular, and nervous system, I seem to began and understood some things about HH and started to experiment on myself and others in order to make my conclusions and find out whats the deal with HH.

It seems that everyone sweats under some conditions; you all know that off course, but what makes us all sweat differently and in different amounts? The answer obviously is because we are all differently made. Now if there is nothing wrong with us and we seem to sweat excessively, why is that happening?

Our nervous system controlled by our brain decides where is best and how much to sweat, that’s why some people sweat excessively in their hands, or feet, or back etc (this is a fact, and for people without HH also). If you “need” more sweat and 1 area can’t cope with that, then you can sweat in 2 locations, or even 3, or everywhere (like me). I noticed that for different occasions I sweat in different places, or combination of places (or altogether), and in a variety of amounts (all excessive off course). If I were a normal person then I guess I would have been sweating less (maybe negligible, without even noticing it) but in the same spots I am now, this means the places MYSELF is susceptible to sweating first in “some” areas, in “some” order and “some” amount, which is different in every HH person. I think this applies for everyone, those who sweat in one location it’s because that location KICKS IN FIRST (because it’s the more effective sweating gland for them) to make them cool, thus they would be sweating less in that location (if they were normal), but more than any other location (gland). I don’t know if you understand me but I hope this makes sense for you as it does for me.

Now, some interesting and important facts about sweating: People sweat less at night, exercise is highly recommended for people with HH for less sweating afterwards, cigarettes, coffee, salt, and sweets can increase sweating, healthy eating reduces sweating. All these (and more) seem to reduce sweating because they reduce the stimulus to our nervous system, hence keep our muscles and mind RELAXED so our body don’t need to sweat due to overactive nervous system. An other thing which RELAXES the muscles and ourselfs is Alcohol because it paralyses a bit the nervous system obviously (we cant be constanlty drinking can we?).

But can all these be enough? Noted reduction in sweating may occur (not enough to sell ebooks though ;)) but still sweating may remain excessive (like me, heh). If you take a good look at the above, you may wonder, why the fu** exercise makes us sweat less, or why the hell do we sweat less at night, is it because the temperature is lower at night? No, it’s not because the temp is lower at night (in some countries the temp at night may sometimes get up to 30 oC or 100 oF). In fact, this FACT that we sweat less at night (along with exercise) may be the most helpful and lifesaving fact for some HH sufferers.

The KEY THING that every single remedy, solution, tablet, wipe, herb, way of living (which may include exfoliation, rubbing, taking sage etc), anti-depressant, ant-anxiety and breathing techniques, so on and so forth, AIM TO ACHIEVE RELAXATION OF THE MUSCLE(S) with the aid of the neural system which will eventually tell the muscles to relax (I hope you agree with me, if you don’t then check it, do a little research of your own). Everything leads to that point, for example not smoking and not having coffee is a way of keeping yourself more relaxed by avoiding neural stimulation, exercising achieves that by the release of some “feel good” hormones which circulate throughout your body and by “tiring” yourself so you wont have to sweat afterwards, tablets also work by suppressing the neural or cardiovascular system by blocking or altering its overactive operation. In other words, nerves control everything that has to do with the muscles. But as I said earlier, the above stated points may not be enough to control excessive sweating (they are not for most), and the need of something that can help HH sufferers effectively and efficiently is great.

This brings me to the thing I would like to consider my “CURE” of HH and hopefully as many of you out there cure. It’s rather quite simple and it’s based on all of the above I have stated so forgive me if I made you read the whole document, everything I said is because I think is relevant.

I consider my “CURE” to be the LACK OF SLEEP. I found out that with less sleep (here is the cost I was telling ya about), I sweat less the next day or even not at all. That is why we all sweat less at night; our body has less energy and fewer reserves after a long day hence we are more relaxed and in need for less sweat. When we go on vacation, we all tend to SLEEP less without wanting to, due to the change of our environment and I think that’s the reason for the less sweating as well, plus we are kept occupied with having fun and this makes us less stressful and do not think about sweating. With less sleep, our body doesn’t store overnight more energy than needed and doesn’t have to sweat excessively the next day in order to release that energy.

I noticed that my sleep seriously influences my HH, when I sleep around 7 hours or less I can see the difference the next day, 6 hours or even 5 are enough to make me sweat less and function properly the next day, along with a healthy life and exercise 70-90% reduction in sweat may be noted, try not sleeping at all for a night to note best results, i know its rather strange but give it a go just once and see what happens. I consider this a “cure” because I tried pretty much every acceptable thing out there and found out that this is the thing I will keep doing in order to reduce my HH.

Give it a try if you want (find your optimum time) and tell me your results. I will update the post if I find something else or forgot to put something.

My Apologies in advance if you think that what I wrote is incorrect (or stupid) or no good for you post, I’m just trying to help please respect that.

Thank you very much for your time and patience, questions and comments are welcomed.

Mail me at [email protected] if you want and i will soon reply back to you.



I will

Its kinda lengthy what i want to say so i will first prepare it ( i need some time) and then post it alltogether. Sorry all, i know this is a bit u know...bla bla from me, but i think of it as a very important issue as you all understand and want to properly present it here. I promise to do my best and say something that really counts.


Active member
I have my HH from either propranolol or paxil. My HH developed after I discontinued taking those devil drugs. I've never before had any problem with excessive sweating.
Read this article to find out more[/url]


Im not talking about money man, what do you think i am? An opportunistic bast**d like some others? Im talking about you, me, us, everyone. A cost of something which has to be taken in order not to sweat.


Namenick said:
Im not talking about money man, what do you think i am? An opportunistic bast**d like some others? Im talking about you, me, us, everyone. A cost of something which has to be taken in order not to sweat.

Go on then! Tell us more... ;-)


Well-known member
fnord said:
Namenick said:
Im not talking about money man, what do you think i am? An opportunistic bast**d like some others? Im talking about you, me, us, everyone. A cost of something which has to be taken in order not to sweat.

Go on then! Tell us more... ;-)

i'm dying to hear more, y' know :wink: :D


Active member
Namenick said:
Im not talking about money man, what do you think i am? An opportunistic bast**d like some others? Im talking about you, me, us, everyone. A cost of something which has to be taken in order not to sweat.
You are absolutely right


Well-known member
Im not talking about money man, what do you think i am? An opportunistic bast**d like some others? Im talking about you, me, us, everyone. A cost of something which has to be taken in order not to sweat.

Good, I'm pleased. Tell us the solution and we can all get on with our lives ....



The original post is EDITED, i posted my conclussions go and have a look and tell me what you think.


Well-known member
I've just noticed that namenick has updated his original post and updated his cure that is 'sleep'.

If you are serious then i thank you for the post and help in finding a cure for us. Seriously all help is welcomed.

I'm going to bed now to practice my sleep and will report back when I wake up !!!


Thank you bill-uk for your reply and for reading my updated post, all i want to do is help, in any way, believe me i want to deal with this as much as you and anyone.


Well-known member
Namenick, I may have misjudged you and if so I apologise. The fact that you have responded suggests that you care. All of us on here care about 1 thing and that is to find a cure. I trust you and I are now thinking on the same lines.


I respect and appreciate what you said. Im sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I recently joined this forum, i am here and i intend to stay here. So see you around, you and everyone else that has something to say. Goodnight.

PS. Correction...I dont know if you got the wrong impression, i meant LACK OF SLEEP, not oversleeping.


Well-known member
Interesting theory. I would agree on the part about relaxed muscles = less stress and less sweating. But I'm not sure if I'm sold on depriving yourself of sleep as a "cure". Even if it does work, it's just trading one condition for another. Then you would be overly tired the following day and continuous sleep deprivation could lead to other problems. But still, interesting theory if it works.


I couldn't agree more with you, but what happens if everything is related to our sleep patern and how much we sleep, it works for me quite well and im sure that it may work on others as well. Who can tell you how much sleep do you actually need, what if oversleeping makes you sweat the next day due to excessive energy reserved overnight, i would like to hear someone talk about this. Yet its another theory on the shelf of investigation. Surely i dont meen that we hav to be tired in order not to sweat, but minimize as much as we can our sleep and see what happens?
If anyone does thats i would be very interested of hearing the results. U have nothing to loose...