My Sunset (poem)


My Sunset

I stand alone atop this hill,
Taking in the world below,
Watching life pass me by,
But I'd rather take it slow.
I perch upon a solitary rock,
Surrounded by fields of green,
Wildflower blossom brightens this space,
Its pollen drifts away unseen.
The pleasant natural silence,
And the peace it lovingly brings,
Is broken only by the joyeous sounds,
Of the crickets and working bees.
A cooling breeze fills my lungs,
Air fresh and clean and pure,
Bird song carries upon each wave,
Of the wind across the moor.
The clouds of night now rolling in,
Suns brightness begins to expire,
Its last action to shine upon the clouds,
And set the sky on fire.
I have waited for this moment,
Upon this hill so high,
To sit back and feel the emotion,
Of reaching up to touch the sky.
The flames begin to peter,
Suns light it gradually fades,
Gives way to inevitable darkness,
My sunset now decayed.


Thank you. I just realised I made a boob by not putting the poem posts in the right place. Was supposed to add them to a poem forum and hit start new thread by


My other poems aren't as nice and pleasent as this one though. Written from the dark side, sort of like the last line of this one.


Active member
The other ones were kind of dark and sometimes I can go for that...but today I needed an uplifting little happy thing and that really resonated with me. So thanks.