My story


Hi everyone!

I'm a 24 year old guy who lives in a small country in Southeastern Europe.

I've noticed from a very young age that something was different about me.
I think that I finally realized it in high school. I was sweating. I was sweating a lot... From there, everything started to change. HH caused me major depressions and anxiety. It has controlled my life and every decision I have made. After one year in college, I decided to quit because of the stress it caused me. I was constantly worrying about my sweating, It was impossible to concentrate on something else. My armpits are mostly affected, but also hands and head. As time passes by, I'm noticing it on other places too.
My next step was looking for a solution. I was also considering to do a surgery (ETS), and also had an appointment. But after more research and a letter from the doctor to clear me up about the side effects and the so called
"compensatory sweating" I decided to cancel it. Since I know that there is no healthy way to cure this, I was trying to accept it and live without thinking about it too much. Absolutely impossible. My depression and anxiety remained.

Although I had one long and serious relationship (years ago), I'm not able to talk with girls because of my low self-esteem. I don't go often out or meet new people, but I had situations (who knows why) when girls wanted to talk to me. I couldn't deal with this neither. I would make some lame excuses or, like last year, go on a few dates with a girl. Since my only occupation was always how to hide my sweat, she finally thought that I was weird and dumped me (Or maybe she thought that I'm an alcoholic, since I can't calm myself down in a bar or a club without lots of alcohol). I dont know.

Becouse I hate the country in which I'm living, I always wanted to move away and find my peace somewhere else. My first though was Sweden. In my opinion it's the best European country and I always wanted to visit scandinavia anyway. But I was also applying for jobs in other countries and after months of searching and a very long interview, a company offered me a job in Dublin.
Support for German speaking customers (I lived in Germany 6 years so I speak German fluently. English is my third language). The only problem was that my anxiety was so advanced by now that I was absolutely freaked out.
Although leaving was the only thing that I wanted and still want, I just couldn't do it. So I've made, like always, some lame excuses for them, for my father and for myself and continued sitting in my room with my guitars,
my books and my computer.

At this point, I have absolutely no future plan, I don't expect anything. I just live from one moment to another. I know I can't go like this forever, but right now I'm so demoralized and tired of trying... I'm not really able to talk with friends about this. They couldn't understand it. Even if they could, it wouldn't help me with my problem.

I think I better stop right here. I cannot possibly mention everything and I don't want this to become too long and boring.


Well-known member
Hi Twiggy, thanks for sharing your story. Know that you are not alone and everyone here can relate to your situation. HH can be very tough but don't let it stop you from doing what you want to do. If you want to visit another country go for it! Use your skills to find a job that works for you. You might be able to get a translating job with the languages you know. I wish you good luck!


Thank you hyp-hi. I appreciate your kind words and I'm aware of that. I just think that I have let it affect my life too much. Now it's time to deal with the consequences...