My Story


New member
Hi there, basically about 3 years ago (17 at the time) i noticed in certain occasions i started sweating a ridiculous amount! Id always sweat more than the average person when doing sport but put it down to being overweight when i was younger. It then started happening more frequently and i then began fearing situations that hadn't happened. Didn't tell anyone for a while and just tried to hide it, eventually saw doctor and was given strong antiperspirant to roll on, helped under arms but then sweat came from different places.. basically sweating all over. Eventually was on prescription antiperspirant and tablets, wasn't sweating as much instead going bright red all the time. Eventually took beta blockers as well as doctors didn't want to give me anti-depressants cause of my age. Still sweating in groin/***, feet & hands where roll on wasn't as effective. A year later started getting therapy sessions, diagnosed with depression and mainly social anxiety. Went through CBT to be precise. This started helping a lot with confidence and eventually stopped taking any medication/ prescription drugs.
Have lived for the last year without taking any, still getting sweaty but trying not to let it effect me, not using 'safety behaviors' that helped short term but not long term.. Also did exposure, going in situations i thought i never could. Can go days when don't sweat much then others constantly sweating. Just started a new job this week where I'm an apprentice with 10 other guys and feel like that fear is getting stronger again ans starting to worry about situations that haven't happened yet. Sorry its so long tried to keep short and sweet but just wondering if anyone has/is going through similar and anything they know to try and help? Thanks! (posted this in the hyperhidrosis thread as well, thought id try here to see if anyone could help)